Read Mark 1:1
What a powerful verse to open Mark’s gospel! There is a lot here. Mark wanted to make sure his audience knew who he would be writing about. I like how the ESV (English Standard Version) translation makes it more of like a book title introducing the book’s subject. “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” Let’s unpack that statement as well as what the NLT (New Living Translation), I normally reflect on, says.
The Good News Begins. This tells me that what is to follow is fantastic news. What a contrast to other Bible texts that bring news of doom and gloom! The gospel of Jesus Christ is often referred to as the “good news.” I’ve often said that “I love sharing the good news with others.” The account of Jesus’ life, his love for us, and his ultimate sacrifice is certainly “good news” for those who believe in him, and even for those who don’t believe yet. It’s the kind of news that changes lives.
Jesus is the Messiah. This man that Mark is going to be writing about is the promised one! For centuries, the Hebrew people had waited for their promised Messiah. In Greek, the ‘Messiah’ was ‘Christ.’ The prophets had been talking about him for years before that. You’d think the people would stop waiting. Many had. Others, like the Gentiles, didn’t even know they should be waiting.
Son of God. That is quite a claim! Even though Mark’s gospel is clear that Jesus is God’s son, Jesus’ humanity is also very evident throughout. Don’t just skip over this claim because you “know it.” Take some time to reflect on “Son of God.” We know Jesus was one with God, but took on flesh to be his son, too. We are God’s children, too, but without the deity part!
It’s important for us to appreciate exactly who Jesus is. The biggest problem the disciples faced was comprehending who their friend was. He was so much more than just their teacher. The disciples may have stumbled less or had fewer questions had they clearly seen Jesus’ true identity. Still, when we stumble or doubt, we are always learning.
Don’t forget that Jesus is our friend, too. Think of your relationships with other friends in your life. What do you do when you get together? Do you talk regularly? Can you go months without talking but always seem to catch up quickly? (I wouldn’t suggest taking a break for months from building your relationship with Jesus!)
The book of Mark is going to introduce us to Jesus, like you’d introduce a friend. You start by introducing the character and then include all the “must hear” stories. Mark’s gospel story is merely a snippet of Jesus’ life. You’ll be reading it this time with fresh eyes, being ready for the Holy Spirit to reveal new truth to you. Sometimes we just need to get out of our own way to let the message get through.
It’s always an honor to introduce people to my friend, Jesus. When is the last time you introduced someone to your friend, Jesus? Maybe you want to invite them to the Book of Mark right along with you. Mark does a great job of giving insight into who Jesus is and what he has done for us all.
Let’s pray. My friend, Jesus, I proclaim you to be my Messiah King, Savior, and Son of God. You are mighty and wise and I love to remember the story of your life and your time living on earth. I look forward to the many messages this gospel will speak to my heart. In Jesus’ name. Amen.