Mark 5:35-43 – Trust Jesus

Read Mark 5:35-43

I love a happy ending, don’t you? We first met Jairus, the girl’s father, in our last reading. Do you think he felt pushed aside or marginalized when Jesus got sidetracked with the woman who had touched his garment? Our passage starts with news of the passing of Jairus’ daughter. Jairus’ emotions had to be all over the place.

Thankfully, Jesus overheard the news. We’re not told how Jairus was responding to the message, but Jesus’ words had to have been a bit confusing. Jesus told Jairus, “Don’t be afraid. Just have faith.” Do you think Jairus even heard Jesus? I can just imagine a father’s wailing cry after hearing his precious daughter had died.

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Mark 1:35-39 – Quiet Time

Read Mark 1:35-39

I love what Jesus models for us here. No matter how busy and “in demand” Jesus was, he made it a priority to spend time in prayer. Alone. If Jesus needed that quiet time to recharge and reconnect with his Father, how much more do we need such connection? I’m so glad you’re reading this right now, quietly spending time with God and making him a priority!

The distracted disciples were missing out on their own quiet time. Did you sense the urgency in the disciples’ search for Jesus? It was like they felt pressured to satisfy everyone else’s desire to see Jesus. They were so busy trying to manage “everyone,” they didn’t notice Jesus’ need for prayer.

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Mark 1:1 – Meet My Friend, Jesus

Read Mark 1:1

What a powerful verse to open Mark’s gospel! There is a lot here. Mark wanted to make sure his audience knew who he would be writing about. I like how the ESV (English Standard Version) translation makes it more of like a book title introducing the book’s subject. “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” Let’s unpack that statement as well as what the NLT (New Living Translation), I normally reflect on, says.

The Good News Begins. This tells me that what is to follow is fantastic news. What a contrast to other Bible texts that bring news of doom and gloom! The gospel of Jesus Christ is often referred to as the “good news.” I’ve often said that “I love sharing the good news with others.” The account of Jesus’ life, his love for us, and his ultimate sacrifice is certainly “good news” for those who believe in him, and even for those who don’t believe yet. It’s the kind of news that changes lives.

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Galatians 3:1-5 – Are You Feeling the Burn?

Read Galatians 3:1-5

How would you answer Paul’s question? “Did you receive the Holy Spirit by obeying the law of Moses?” I’m guessing, that is probably not a question you have been asked before. Acknowledging the Holy Spirit in our lives is key to testing our level of faith, whether we are hot or cold in terms of our spirituality. My question “are you feeling the burn?” refers then to the spark of the Holy Spirit igniting your heart and soul.

Paul is concerned here for his Christian friends in Galatia (and us). He knows that it’s easy for people to fall back into old patterns of living (following the law and believing they are saved by their works). In part, it’s because of the comfort zone effect. It’s what we know. Especially when we start to lose the fire or “burn” we felt when we first believed. We start to think something is wrong or that we should be acting in a certain way to get the spark back.

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Galatians 2:1-10 – Unity in Diversity

Read Galatians 2:1-10

Unity in diversity

Do you find it hard to trust a bully? Maybe you’re holding on to a memory from childhood of someone who mistreated you, called you names, etc. Then, years later you see them at the mall, and they seem friendly and welcoming. People can change, yet we hold our old memories close before trust will come.

You can imagine how Paul felt going before the apostles of Jesus. They would surely recognize him as the bully to Christians. But God had intervened. Paul was no longer against Christ, but for Christ, now on a mission from Jesus himself to reach the Gentiles. His job was not to convert Gentiles to Judaism, but to introduce them to salvation through Jesus Christ.

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