Read Mark 5:35-43
I love a happy ending, don’t you? We first met Jairus, the girl’s father, in our last reading. Do you think he felt pushed aside or marginalized when Jesus got sidetracked with the woman who had touched his garment? Our passage starts with news of the passing of Jairus’ daughter. Jairus’ emotions had to be all over the place.
Thankfully, Jesus overheard the news. We’re not told how Jairus was responding to the message, but Jesus’ words had to have been a bit confusing. Jesus told Jairus, “Don’t be afraid. Just have faith.” Do you think Jairus even heard Jesus? I can just imagine a father’s wailing cry after hearing his precious daughter had died.
Jairus might have felt like he let his daughter down. Fathers protect their little ones. It’s possible Jairus would have given his own life to spare his child’s life. And now it was too late. What more could he have done? Jesus had simply taken too long.
Jairus would be fearful. The child’s mother would be at home, probably angry with Jairus for not fixing the situation. He was a synagogue leader, didn’t that give him some special clout with God. The question, “Why?” would have been on both parents’ lips.
So why was Jesus saying to not be afraid? “Just have faith,” Jesus had said. Faith in what? For us, it’s easy to see. We know how the story ends. Of course, trust Jesus and have faith in him that he will fix the situation. That’s exactly what Jesus did – fixed the situation. Jairus’ little girl did not die that day!
We each may be facing our own situation that is causing us to fear. We don’t know how our own story is going to play out, but while it does, we can trust Jesus with our problems. We can exercise faith that Jesus will take care of the worrisome situation.
Jesus is in the business of surprising those who trust him. We see it in this story, and we see it happening around us. We’ve all heard about (or experienced firsthand) people being miraculously healed of their disease. We’ve all heard about money in just the right amount showing up to help believers out of a financial bind. We’ve all witnessed answered prayer, even if the answer is “no.”
Think about a situation you are dealing with right now that is zapping your joy. Are you trusting Jesus to fix it and make his will clear to you? Set your fear aside and get ready to be transformed.

Let’s pray. Lord, I would love to hear from you. I’m dealing with something bigger than myself, and I trust that you have it all under control. Calm my heart so I can trust you more fully. I thank you for answering my prayer in this moment. In Jesus’ name. Amen.