Read Mark 6:1-6
Have you ever felt unwelcome because of your faith? Have you ever kept your faith a “secret” for fear of being excluded from a group? I’m not suggesting this is what this passage is talking about all at, but it helps get into the right frame of mind to feel the rejection.
For Jesus, that rejection was from people who knew him, had watched him grow up, and who he had learned from. Jesus returned to his hometown, Nazareth. Some might expect Jesus would have been welcomed as the “hometown hero.” We see that kind of attitude today for athletes, entertainers, and other people who have become “famous.” Their birthplaces are often recognized as “places of interest.”
For Jesus, there was rejection. No fanfare. People seemed incredulous that a carpenter’s son would be able to perform such miracles. We’re told in this passage the people “were deeply offended and refused to believe in him.” I can’t even imagine that, can you?
Jesus didn’t seem surprised. He even explained what was happening. “A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his relatives and his own family.” Even though Jesus recognized the reality of what was happening, it couldn’t have made it any easier. Rejection is rejection. Despite it all, “he was amazed at their unbelief.”
As a devotional author, I have had a bit of a different experience. I have returned to my home congregation with some applause for how I am currently serving the kingdom of God. These are people who witnessed my baptism, confirmation, and marriage, as well as my time as Interim Children’s Ministry Director for 400+ registered students. I admit, I’m not a “prophet.”
While we can point fingers at the people of Nazareth for their unbelief, we should also look in the mirror. Are we giving Jesus the attention he deserves? Are we questioning Jesus’ power or ability to lead us in our lives? Are we any less in need of his grace and forgiveness?
Let’s pray. Lord, forgive me for my unbelief. There are times when the lies of the world try to squeeze you out. Help me to cling to you and trust you completely. I want you to be the leader of my life. I trust you have the best direction in mind for me. Help me to stay close to you and reflect your grace for others to see. In Jesus’ name. Amen.