Read Mark 5:21-34
What surprised you in today’s reading? Was it that a religious leader who publicly recognized Jesus’ healing power or was it how a woman was healed by simply touching Jesus’ garment? Jesus’ ministry is packed with amazing moments of seeing God at work among his people.
Let’s focus on the woman who has been afflicted for twelve years. Could she even remember what it was like to not be bleeding? Can you remember what you were doing twelve years ago? Take a moment to do the math. While you certainly won’t remember what you had for dinner twelve years ago tonight, try to place yourself in that moment of your history. I was leading Vacation Bible School in a church where my husband was serving. Many of the kids attending that year are grown up with children of their own!
Twelve years. That’s how long this poor woman had been afflicted with a bleeding disorder. I can’t even fathom how much suffering she endured. And then she heard that Jesus was passing through town. She had tried everything and seen every doctor. Jesus was her last hope. Jesus was her only hope. Clearly, her faith was strong.
This woman risked everything to simply touch Jesus’ robe. In that culture, she would have been unclean from the bleeding, and people would have feared her almost as much as if she had been a leper. Yet, she didn’t let that stop her. Her condition drove her desperation to its limit, and her faith set her free.
Jesus’ healing power was extreme in that moment. Jesus felt the jolt of it. Jesus didn’t often point out such a sensation. “Jesus realized at once that healing power had gone out from him, so he turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who touched my robe?” Powerful. The disciples couldn’t fathom how Jesus knew he had healed someone.
The woman knew. Her faith had saved her. Jesus’ compassion and acknowledgement lifted her. Can you imagine the joy she felt when she heard Jesus’ words, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace. Your suffering is over.” The scene brings tears to my eyes. Twelve years is a long time to suffer.
“God never wastes a hurt,” we always used to say in our Celebrate Recovery ministry. This woman’s example for us gives us hope. Jesus is our hope. Whatever affliction you are dealing with – give it to Jesus. While we can’t touch his robe as he walks by in a crowd of people, we can call on his healing touch.
Not every hurt will be healed, but every hurt will be used by God for some purpose. This woman’s twelve years of agony and affliction was healed for God’s purpose. God’s power was revealed. God’s power is available for us, too.

Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for how you send your healing power to rescue us in our time of need. Help me be patient in waiting for your power to be revealed. I know that you are working in this world, setting people free from their afflictions every day. May we all be as grateful and as faithful as this woman was that day in the crowd. Thank you for how your grace and mercy sustains me every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.