Read Mark 4:30-34
Jesus continues to use seeds to describe the kingdom of God. This is the third time he uses seeds in his analogies. That tells me that seeds would be something understood universally by many people. For me, when I first read the parable of the mustard seed, I had no idea how tiny those seeds were. It wasn’t until I was doing a children’s sermon years ago that I actually saw a mustard seed up close. You might just need a magnifying glass!
How fitting that Jesus would give the mustard seed such attention! Jesus was a master at making hard topics understandable. We can all picture something huge growing out of something small. Jesus says that’s what the kingdom of heaven is like.
The kingdom of heaven isn’t just for birds. We see God’s Kingdom wherever God’s rule is acknowledge and received by faith. We help with the growth of God’s Kingdom when we share our faith or help a fellow believer in need. Just as the birds receive comfort and safety in the branches of a mustard tree, we will receive grace and mercy from our heavenly father as rewards in the kingdom.
Take a look at what the prophet Ezekiel says. “It will become a majestic cedar, sending forth its branches and producing seed. Birds of every sort will nest in it, finding shelter in the shade of its branches.” (Ezekiel 17:23) While Ezekiel is speaking of a cedar tree rather than a mustard tree, the image is the same. Both parables are about hope.
We see how God will take something small and make it grand. Think of Jesus’ own life as an example of God’s version of great results from humble beginnings. Seeing the birds in these examples shows us how inclusive God’s kingdom will be.
The function of Jesus’ parable is to encourage us with the magnificent vision of God’s coming kingdom. We’re not meant to get caught up in the meaning but accept the majesty of God as just that. Majesty. God’s majesty. Our creator has designed a kingdom that is available for all who believe and trust in Jesus. The kingdom’s true meaning will remain a mystery until it is fully revealed.
I, for one, will never look at mustard the same. Knowing that something so tasty grew out of something so tiny is amazing. Understanding that God transforms all things. It should be our prayer that God transform us into faithful followers of Jesus.

Let’s pray. Thank you, Lord, for nurturing me. Continue to help me grow in my devotion to you. It is such an honor to be able to come to you, seeking refuge from the craziness of this world. Help me to be a shining light to help others find you and realize how much you love us. Thank you for creating a kingdom that is welcoming to all who follow you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.