Mark 5:21-34 – Faith Healing

Read Mark 5:21-34

What surprised you in today’s reading? Was it that a religious leader who publicly recognized Jesus’ healing power or was it how a woman was healed by simply touching Jesus’ garment? Jesus’ ministry is packed with amazing moments of seeing God at work among his people.

Let’s focus on the woman who has been afflicted for twelve years. Could she even remember what it was like to not be bleeding? Can you remember what you were doing twelve years ago? Take a moment to do the math. While you certainly won’t remember what you had for dinner twelve years ago tonight, try to place yourself in that moment of your history. I was leading Vacation Bible School in a church where my husband was serving. Many of the kids attending that year are grown up with children of their own!

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Mark 3:20-30 – The Unforgiveable Sin

Read Mark 3:20-30

What an encounter we witness in this reading! Jesus is busy fulfilling his mission, but even those closest to him don’t yet understand. They think Jesus has gone mad because he’s so busy serving by helping, healing, and casting out demons. The religious leaders are the ones who really miss the mark. Is their pride so strong that they must blaspheme the Holy Spirit?

I suppose if they were to accept Jesus’ actions, they would have to admit Jesus was the Messiah. Would that have been so horrible? Have you ever thought what Jesus’ ministry may have looked like had he not been an “enemy” in the eyes of the religious leaders who were anxiously awaiting the Messiah?

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Mark 3:7-12 – Crowd Control

Read Mark 3:7-12

What happens when you hear something great is happening? Many of us will drop everything to see for ourselves if it’s “hype worthy.” Here in Mark’s gospel, we see that crowds of people have heard about Jesus. They want to see for themselves, too. They are attracted to Jesus but have no real understanding of who he is.

The miracles people were talking about were examples of God touching people and meeting their needs. People were being healed. Others had their lives restored when evil spirits finally left them alone. Can you imagine keeping quiet about such life-changing experiences?

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Mark 1:29-34 – The Healer

Read Mark 1:29-34

Mark’s first recorded healing miracle is for a woman related to one of his disciples! I’ve always marveled at the story. How fitting for this Hebrew woman to be healed and immediately start thinking of how she can serve. That speaks to the mindset of women in the household during those times, and how quickly a healing can take place.

Simon’s mother-in-law did not “milk” the illness. Once the fever left her, like the “energizer bunny” she was determined to make food to show her appreciation. Isn’t it what was expected of her when there were guests in the house? Did you ever wonder what she cooked?

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