Read Mark 1:29-34
Mark’s first recorded healing miracle is for a woman related to one of his disciples! I’ve always marveled at the story. How fitting for this Hebrew woman to be healed and immediately start thinking of how she can serve. That speaks to the mindset of women in the household during those times, and how quickly a healing can take place.
Simon’s mother-in-law did not “milk” the illness. Once the fever left her, like the “energizer bunny” she was determined to make food to show her appreciation. Isn’t it what was expected of her when there were guests in the house? Did you ever wonder what she cooked?
Jesus doesn’t stop there. His night of healing would involve many changed lives. I imagine news spread very fast in the village of Capernaum. Jesus had just performed a miraculous sign in the synagogue before stopping by Simon’s house. Just like people today, everyone wants to see for themselves. We read that “[t]he whole town gathered at the door to watch.”
Can you imagine the buzz about town? The Bible says “many” were brought to Jesus. If you’ve ever struggled with an illness, you know how it drains you from living your life. If you heard that somebody was in town healing people, you’d do what you could to find a way to get there.
Have you ever known anyone who was demon possessed? I’m not sure I have (those crazy little kids in children’s ministry over the years don’t count!). Jesus was very in tune with the spiritual world. Satan was alive and well in Jesus’ day, too.
“But because the demons knew who he was, he did not allow them to speak.” What would the demons have said? Jesus had made an impression with the evil one when he was in the wilderness those forty days. Apparently Jesus wasn’t ready for everyone to know he was the Messiah.
What do we see of Jesus in this reading? One word comes to mind for me. Compassion. There is no indication that Jesus was angry or put out by so many people hovering around him. For each person that came forward, they must have left with extreme faith and gratitude. Their day was going to end a lot different than they imagined when it started.
We can encounter Jesus in that same way. We can come before him with our brokenness, and he will restore us. Our transformation may not happen as quickly as Simon’s mother-in-law’s healing, but we can be sure that God is working in us for his purpose.
Romans 8:28 is one of my favorite verses, and I think it helps us as we wait for Jesus to act in our life. Paul writes, “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” We can be grateful for how God is working, even when we don’t see what God is doing.
What are you struggling with right now? Is it an illness, a financial downturn, familial tension, a question of faith? Bring it to Jesus. Expect healing. Receive and be grateful for the blessings God bestows on you.

Let’s pray. My Jesus, it’s so great to read about the miracles of healing and spiritual restoration you made look so easy. Your healing touch is available for me as well. I pray for those around me who are struggling with some infirmity or challenge. Give them faith to step away from any doubt of being worthy to be healed. You are generous and full of grace and mercy. I accept with gratitude and receive all the blessings you give me each day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.