Read Mark 1:35-39
I love what Jesus models for us here. No matter how busy and “in demand” Jesus was, he made it a priority to spend time in prayer. Alone. If Jesus needed that quiet time to recharge and reconnect with his Father, how much more do we need such connection? I’m so glad you’re reading this right now, quietly spending time with God and making him a priority!
The distracted disciples were missing out on their own quiet time. Did you sense the urgency in the disciples’ search for Jesus? It was like they felt pressured to satisfy everyone else’s desire to see Jesus. They were so busy trying to manage “everyone,” they didn’t notice Jesus’ need for prayer.
Do you ever get so busy you forget to pray? Maybe you’re confident enough in how things are going on your “own” power that you don’t feel it necessary to invite God in. God wants us to be in communication with him. Jesus shows us how much it means to him to be in conversation with God.
What else do you notice in this passage? I see Jesus changing the itinerary. The group was moving on because other people needed to hear Jesus’ message. It sounds like maybe it was without warning. Jesus hadn’t said to his disciples, “just so you know, we’ll be packing up in the morning and heading north.”
Jesus reveals himself in this passage in a couple of ways. Not only does he model for us the importance of quiet time communication with God, but he sets out his mission. He is to preach to as many people as he can. There were a lot of towns in the Galilee region, and Jesus’ message was for all. Just like a group of musicians go on tour and play music all over the country, so this band of disciples and Jesus would be trekking around the land of Israel.
Jesus came to preach. God’s son came to earth to give us a firsthand account of his will and desire for us. Whatever Jesus says or does, we need to pay attention. It’s of utmost importance.
We can be grateful for the privilege of spending time with the creator of all things. Just think of how many people over the years have never talked with God! A lot of times, these conversations seem to be one-sided. But don’t ever believe that God isn’t answering you in some way. The key in hearing God’s voice or response is to be quiet.

Let’s pray. Father God, help me to quiet my brain from the distractions around me. I want to be able to hear you clearly and be confident I am doing your will. Thank you for all of the lessons Jesus taught us as he preached around Galilee. Showing us the importance of prayer by his actions is one of the best clues ever to living in close relation to God. I look forward to each conversation we have. Open my ears to hear your voice. In Jesus’ name. Amen.