Read Mark 1:40-45
Do you think anybody saw Jesus touch the man with leprosy? The man would have been untouchable for everyone, except Jesus. In that day, people with leprosy, called lepers, were shunned and kept to themselves or lived in “colonies.”
There was great fear and stigma surrounding the disease which would cover the skin with hideous lesions. Leprosy was highly contagious from skin-to-skin contact. And Jesus touched the man! I can just imagine the gasp of those watching such a scene.
But Jesus cared and “was moved with compassion” we’re told. The man was healed and immediately instructed to go before the priest to be examined. First of all, it’s hard to imagine Jesus being “stern” after he had just shown such fearless compassion. That’s what Jesus models for us in this reading.
Did Jesus think the man would keep such a miraculous, life-changing healing to himself and only tell the priest? I suppose he could have hoped his word would have been sufficient to keep the man quiet. If it had been me, I don’t think I could have contained myself.
If you’ve ever been shown such compassion that pulls you out of your pit of despair, you know the person who helps you becomes your hero. If you know other people with the same needs, you certainly want to make sure they know about your story.
Think about your testimony for a moment. By that I mean your “history with Jesus.” How has he touched your life? Remember Jesus has told us, “Go and tell the world about me.” Wouldn’t we be showing our fellow humans fearless compassion by sharing our faith?
Think about that for a moment. Giving someone who doesn’t know Jesus the way to access the “keys to the kingdom,” eternal life, or being loved by the Creator forever is the best gift ever. That’s compassion. Showing mercy on the very audience who needs to hear.
But that’s where fear comes in, isn’t it? Especially in this day and age when it is more unpopular than ever to be a believer. New age spirituality is all the rage, filling books and countless podcast recordings. They’ve forgotten the gospel. Jesus is the way. The only way. (John 14:6)
Jesus displays so much compassion that hoards of people seek him. In that response we see a hunger for the truth. The people were lost and seeking answers. Maybe they didn’t even know they were really seeking God.
How does this passage speak to you?

Let’s pray. Lord, I love how when I read one passage so many others come to mind in support or compliment in some way. Thank you for the model of compassion and overcoming fear that Jesus shares with us. Show me the opportunities each day to spread your compassion. Empower me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.