Read Mark 2:18-22
You might be thinking, “What is fasting in the first place?” It’s definitely more than just a diet! While fasting involves abstaining from food and/or drink, fasting also needs to include spiritual renewal, from shutting out the world to spending time in God’s presence. This is not a community event but a personal one between you and God. You can pray, read Scripture, sing praise songs, or sit quietly and listen. Always be listening for God’s voice whether you’re fasting or not.
What did you think about the contrast between Jesus’ followers and those of John the Baptist? John’s followers, along with other religious leaders, would lean toward the side of piety and following rules. It seems that Jesus’ followers were less focused on those “traditions,” and this verse brilliantly tells us why. The more pious would have been looking down on what Jesus’ followers were doing.
Rather than be acting on their “best behavior” in terms of their rituals, Jesus’ disciples were busy soaking up every moment of his teaching. They didn’t feel the need to fast because they were already with God. Their rapt attention to Jesus and willingness to learn more from him took the place of fasting.
As Jesus said, fasting would be important again for his disciples once he had been taken away. That tells me that Jesus encourages fasting as one way of drawing closer to him.
Is fasting something you’ve ever done? What was the occasion for your fasting? Did you feel nearer to God by shutting out the distractions?
Jesus also gave real life examples about fasting including cloth and wine. I really struggled with these analogies at first. It’s simply the comparison between old and new. New cloth will shrink when washed and tear away from the old. New wine will expand as it ferments and needs new wineskins to expand with it to avoid bursting. The people would have been familiar with these examples, and Jesus’ words were simply common sense. In the same way, Jesus’ new message would burst the old familiar rituals.
This new covenant needs explanation so the people will accept and understand God’s plan for them. So, followers of the old way are not able to handle Jesus’ new teaching. Does that help with the wineskin and clothes patch examples?
These analogies are not meant to downplay either the new or old covenant. But for those who didn’t understand why Jesus’ followers were breaking the “rules,” Jesus felt it necessary to teach on these issues.
Fasting is a spiritual discipline that Jesus supports. He looks forward to spending time with us. Is it time to look for an opportunity to schedule a fast? Remember it doesn’t have to be a long fast like Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness! You could skip a single meal to spend that time in prayer.

Let’s pray. Lord, it’s been too long since I’ve spent time fasting. Forgive me. I do cherish each moment that I spend in your presence. Thank you for opening my eyes to the beauty and truth of the Scriptures. Continue to reveal yourself to me, and still my soul so I can receive all that you have to offer. May I be a good steward of all that you share with me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.