Read Mark 2:23-28
Don’t you love how Jesus so matter-of-factly responded to those nit-picking Pharisees? I can’t fault the Pharisees because of their strict adherence to rabbinic interpretation of the law. They hadn’t heard Jesus’ preaching on how obedience to the law is not what saves you. If they had heard it, they hadn’t truly listened and understood the significance it made in their lives.
But God did command us to keep the Sabbath holy. As Jesus explains, the Sabbath was given to meet the needs of people, specifically the needs for nest and spending time with God. At the time this gospel was written, the observance of the Sabbath would have been a burning question in religious circles.
When you think about it, Jesus’ apparent “disregard” for the holiness of keeping Sabbath rules was one factor leadings to his death. Jesus was not afraid to push the boundaries. These were man-made boundaries based on what people believed God wanted or expected.
When Jesus speaks, God speaks. Jesus said, “The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath.” Take a moment to let that sink in. In other words, God knew that we would need a day of rest to let the troubles of the world be swept away. What better way to do that then spend time in the rejuvenating presence of God.
Spending focused time with God is the true way to be energized. It’s as important for us today, as it was for those first hearing this gospel, to spend time with God, nurturing our relationship.
So, what about the Sabbath? Do you take a day of rest on a regular basis? How do you spend that day? So many people use the weekend or day off from work to scramble around doing errands or other tasks. If that’s you, maybe you start small with an hour or two a week that you just sit quietly, alone with God. See how refreshed you feel after spending time in that way.

Let’s pray. Lord, I need help with my busyness that often keeps me from focusing on you. Thank you for knowing I would need at least a day to rest and recharge to be ready to face whatever the world will throw at me. I long for those quiet moments with you when I can shut out the world. Forgive my restless heart. Forgive me for my impatience in handling certain situations. Refresh and renew my heart and mind. In Jesus’ name. Amen.