Read Mark 1:29-45

I’m curious – what verse in today’s reading really spoke to you? There are so many that spoke to me. Feel free to leave a comment, I’d love to hear from you.
So it seems like today’s reading picks up immediately following the last where Jesus has encountered an evil spirit and called him out. Now it appears that Jesus’ disciples are going to take a bit of a rest at Simon and Andrew’s home. I note that there are only four disciples at this point: James, John, Andrew and Simon (Peter). We also learn here that Simon has a mother-in-law, which would mean he also has a wife. She is not mentioned.
I have always been tickled when I picture the mother-in-law being healed and instantly responding by making a meal. Does this resonate with anyone? Are you the meal provider in your house? What happens when you get sick?
For anyone wanting to count the number of miracles or healings that Jesus performed, this passage makes it nearly impossible. Apparently word spread quickly about the happenings in the synagogue, as Jesus was bombarded with sick and demon possessed people. What was his response? Heal them and make them whole.
Another nugget for me in this reading starts in verse 35 when Jesus gets away from it all for some quiet time. We are told from the time we are children that we should “be like Jesus”, and this is one great example for us. Fi
nd a quiet place where you are able to shut out the world and all distractions and spend time with God. If Jesus needed it, we must all the more need it. I know my days are so much better when I am grounded first. Some people have their quiet time at night – how much better their sleep and rest will be. The key – spend quiet time away from the noise of life.
Finally, what do you think about Jesus’ words to the man healed of leprosy? Jesus told him “sternly” not to tell anyone about this, and gave him the requirements that needed to be done. Did the man listen? Apparently not as it says he went out and spread the word, telling “everybody” what had happened.
Why do you think he didn’t listen to Jesus’ instructions?
What he did do is something we have a hard time doing. That is telling everyone about what Jesus has done for us. Why is that? Do we think we don’t have a good enough story? What is your story?
The important thing to remember is who the subject of our story is. It is Jesus. It is what Jesus did, not what we did. We got the benefit of what Jesus did, but the hero is Jesus. Sometimes when we frame it like that it is easier to say because we can take a little of the attention away from us. Jesus loved us and died for us. He is the one living in us and changing us from the inside out. Does that help?
Let’s pray. Lord I thank you for how you have changed my life. You amaze me every day with your goodness and mercy. I don’t know that I deserve what you promise me, but I am grateful that you find me where I am. Thank you for the restoration you are bringing to my life. I thank you for the boldness and assurance I am feeling when I share your good news. May your grace and mercy abound for those who are walking in darkness. May they feel you knocking on the door of their heart. Thank you for the quiet time we have and the refreshment you provide. In Jesus’ name. Amen.