Paul goes out of his way to make sure his readers understand where is coming from. He starts out this section showing his deep connection to them by saying, “Dear brothers and sisters.” Clearly, he wants to them to trust him. He is also clear that his message isn’t something he just made up out of thin air or on a whim. The Good News isn’t some gossip he heard down at the coffee shop. He “received it by direct revelation from Jesus Christ.” Take a moment to let that sink in.
If we had known nothing about Paul before reading this letter to the Galatians, these verses today give us a glimpse into the life Paul had led up until this moment. Just in case his audience didn’t know him well, he also wanted to boost their trust factor in hearing a bit of his back story. We often do this in our coaching business when we are addressing a familiar audience, just in case there are any new folks listening in that may not know who we are.
The Galatians needed to remember that Paul’s background was about as devout a Jew as they come. He was overly zealous in his attack on Christians before his conversion. In his own words, “I violently persecuted God’s church. I did my best to destroy it.” Yet, God had other plans for Paul. The striking contrast between the before and after could only be God inspired and ordained. To me, that’s so much the beauty of Paul’s ministry.
All this to be God’s spokesperson to bring the message of salvation to the Gentiles. It’s a bit ironic when you think of it. I love seeing God use people in unexpected ways. For those who did not have firsthand knowledge about Paul as the tormentor of Christians, there were plenty of others saying, “‘The one who used to persecute us is now preaching the very faith he tried to destroy!’ And they praised God because of me.” God was being praised for Paul’s transformation. Brilliant!
With all of this understanding then about Paul’s credentials and assurance his gospel message is from Christ alone, the people should be ready to listen. There had been many misunderstandings and misguided practices going on in Galatia. Paul was bound and determined to sort it out and get the people back on track.
As I reflect on how God used Paul in a magnificent way, I wonder how he is using me. Have you ever asked the question, “Why am I here?” I used to ponder on that as a young woman, journaling for hours about my confusion as I tried to find my place in the world. How would I ever make a difference? Still to this day I wonder in what ways God will use me next.
I think that’s the key. We need to be open. We need to be listening for God. He has a plan to use each of us. If you’re not clear on how he could possibly use you, ask him. Wait patiently for his response. I can almost promise you that what you hear will frighten you. But if it’s God’s will, he will provide you the way, and that’s where trust comes in.
Do you think Paul was “comfortable” with his mission? After all, what did he know about Christianity? He hadn’t been a follower of Jesus like the apostles in Jerusalem. He surely trusted God to lead him and give him what he needed. God will never leave us or forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5)

Let’s pray … Father God, I thank you for how you called Paul and empowered him for your service. Likewise, I thank you for how you are using me. May I be mindful to your leading at all times. Speak to my heart. Prepare the hearts of those who I will encounter who will hear your Word. Guide my steps, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.