1 Chronicles 24:1-31 – What Priests Do

Read 1 Chronicles 24:1-31

David continues to make an impact for future generations by instituting more details regarding worship and who does what. I remember the days in ministry when we would create job descriptions for each of our positions. That’s exactly what David is doing here, but he’s taking it a step further. David is identifying the players who will be the first to follow these precepts.

Have you ever been part of a ministry team at your church? Then you can appreciate David’s mission. He is taking away any question about expectations. A ministry team will always be more efficient if the goals and intentions are clear. It appears David remains strong and confident despite the fact his reign is coming to an end. He is bound and determined to set Solomon up for success.

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1 Chronicles 6:1-81 – The Priestly Line

Read 1 Chronicles 6:1-81

By now, you are probably wondering when we will be done with all the genealogies. Soon, very soon.  We’ll have a couple of long readings over the next couple days, and then we’ll get into the historical account from the priestly viewpoint of Chronicles.

Again, we encounter a lot of names, most of them hard to pronounce, all descending from Jacob’s son, Levi. We are given a lot of information in this chapter about Levi’s descendants, some of whom became priests. We’ll likely encounter some of these names again when we read the historical accounts of the kings. It’s good for us to keep in mind that the priests served right alongside the kings leading the people in matters of faith and obedience to God’s laws.

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Malachi 2:1-9 – Shortcuts * Part Two

Read Malachi 2:1-9

Our last reading exposed the priests who were taking shortcuts and not honoring God in their sacrificial practices. Perhaps other areas of ministry were also suffering, but the prophecy was concerned with “shortcut” sacrifices that dishonored God.

We realize we, too, often fall short of giving God the priority he deserves. Today’s reading speaks to what happens when we do that. Malachi warns the priests that God will curse them for not following God’s ways and ignoring his instructions.

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Zechariah 7:1-7 – Celebrate God

Read Zechariah 7:1-7

Zechariah must have wondered if he was ever going to receive another message from God to give the people. Two years is a long time. Take a moment to just think back—what were you doing two years ago? Most of us probably don’t remember exactly.

Then, lo and behold, another message comes. As if God was on speed dial, the people who came for a word from God had their response. We can oftentimes find ourselves waiting on God’s response. We seek his favor, too, do we not?

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