Zechariah 7:1-7 – Celebrate God

woman standing in the field with her arms reaching toward the sun

Read Zechariah 7:1-7

Zechariah must have wondered if he was ever going to receive another message from God to give the people. Two years is a long time. Take a moment to just think back—what were you doing two years ago? Most of us probably don’t remember exactly.

Then, lo and behold, another message comes. As if God was on speed dial, the people who came for a word from God had their response. We can oftentimes find ourselves waiting on God’s response. We seek his favor, too, do we not?

The first thing I note is that “[t]hey were to ask this question of the prophets and the priests at the Temple of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.” Clearly, these people respected God for they sought out God’s servants, the priests and prophets. God’s wisdom was available through the right sources.

Do you think the people were surprised by the message God gave Zechariah? They were looking for a yes or no answer. God gave them a thoughtful one challenging them to look within at the heart, at the motivation. It sounds like those celebrations were more focused on the people’s lusts and enjoyment rather than on being reverent to God.

Thinking of our own traditions, I can remember sharing in the moment of celebration for a life milestone like a baptism or wedding. What people do is celebrate together. In Jesus’ time they had wedding feasts for multiple days! Those celebrations don’t always focus on God, the one who made life possible!

The religious festivals that are being referred to here are a bit different, but God is still active in both. Their question opened up an opportunity for God to proclaim a teachable moment. God’s desire for us and the way we live is often much different than the way we actually live. The teachable moment for us is to reflect on how we approach God and celebrate him in our lives.

Think on that today.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. Father God, I love how your word just fits everything together so perfectly. The more time I spend in your word, the more I feel like I get to know you. Thank you for how you are moving in my life. Help me to continually lean in to your power because there’s so much more of yours than mine. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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