Zechariah 7:8-10 – Do This!

sticky note with "TO DO" on it next to stack of papers

Read Zechariah 7:8-10

Once again, God spells it out for us. When we ask “how can I please God?” or “what makes a good person?” the answer to both of these questions is right here in these verses. One of God’s primary concerns for his returning community is justice – especially for the weak and vulnerable.

Of course, for me personally, the part about orphans and widows is like a nod in my direction. Until recently, I never understood how God wanted to use me in Mexico. After working with the girls at La Ola Girls Home here in town, I know God wants this for me and this verse is like my confirmation. My dear friend Becky, who runs the orphanage, is also recently widowed. I’ve seen how the oppression is real for both widows and orphans still today. I’m honored to be on her team as she keeps God’s dream alive!

Many times, people ask, “How do I know what God wants me to do?” or “How do I know if I’ve heard God’s voice?” Have you ever had a thought like that pass through your mind? I know I have. Countless times. Here’s what I’ve discovered.

God will use Scripture to help us discover those “confirmations” we may be searching for. That’s exactly what this reading is for me today. He will also use the counsel of other believers. Anything we think God is asking us to do will never be against his word or harm his children.

Zechariah’s audience may or may not have been searching for a “how to do life” kind of answer, but they got it anyway. The people were rebuilding their lives and redreaming their futures. What better time to remind them how to live those lives to the fullest while pleasing God at the same time.

I’m not sure I can even imagine a world where everyone followed each of these deeds. I hate to call them “rules” because God doesn’t seem to be fashioning them in that way. How I see it, God is saying, “here is the best way to live.” We can choose to follow, or try to follow, them.

Jesus never promised us it would be easy in this life. But with passages like this, we are given insight into God’s herat. We also have the assurance that God loves us, Jesus is rooting for us, and the Holy Spirit is inside us fueling us for service. How we “do life” is up to us.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. God you are so good. You thought of everything and your love and care for orphans, widows, and those less fortunate touches me greatly. Continue to use me. Turn my faith into acts of love.  It’s an honor to live for you and have a relationship with you. Thank you for never giving up on me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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