Ecclesiastes 4:1-6 – Oppression

Read Ecclesiastes 4:1-6

Are you feeling oppressed today? Oppression is defined by Oxford Languages as “prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control.” Solomon was observing such behaviors in his day, too. As king, you would think he could have some control over how his subjects were being treated. The powers of evil were clearly at work then, as well as now.

It’s not pleasant to endure hardship, whether it’s oppression or otherwise. To believe we’d be better off dead is a bit “dark” don’t you think? It helps to remember that Solomon had drifted away from God and was relying on the gods of his many wives late in life. For those living on their own, hardship and oppression must be unbearable.

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Zechariah 7:1-7 – Celebrate God

Read Zechariah 7:1-7

Zechariah must have wondered if he was ever going to receive another message from God to give the people. Two years is a long time. Take a moment to just think back—what were you doing two years ago? Most of us probably don’t remember exactly.

Then, lo and behold, another message comes. As if God was on speed dial, the people who came for a word from God had their response. We can oftentimes find ourselves waiting on God’s response. We seek his favor, too, do we not?

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James 4:1-10 – Enemies of God

Read James 4:1-10

We need God. It’s plain and simple, lest we fall into the traps set in this world and become enemies of God. Only God can transform us from the thrill seeking, self-serving humans we are by nature into humble servants dedicated to pleasing God.

James’ counsel here is a bit over the top when he talks about our envious desires leading us to killing someone. It appears his audience needs the “wow factor” to get their attention. I can just hear someone saying, “God doesn’t listen because he didn’t give me what I wanted.” That’s a great example of having the wrong motives. God knows our heart. He knows why we ask for what we do. Is what we’re asking for merely for our own pleasure?

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1 Corinthians 9:15-23 – Burning Motivation

Read 1 Corinthians 9:15-23

3 crosses with a burst of light behind

After Paul’s comments about getting paid in our last reading, he seems to be singing a different tune here–at least when it comes to his own payment. Paul feels confident God has commissioned him to spread the gospel. It’s like he would burst if he didn’t preach about Jesus. Any payment or support is appreciated, but it’s not his motivation.

Remember Jeremiah’s cry in Jeremiah 20:9? “But if I say I’ll never mention the Lord or speak in his name, his word burns in my heart like a fire. It’s like a fire in my bones! I am worn out trying to hold it in! I can’t do it!” Jeremiah had just been arrested for speaking a message he received from God. He, too, like Paul, had a burning motivation that couldn’t be quenched.

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Hebrews 10:19-25 – Truly Blessed

Read Hebrews 10:19-25

We are free and forgiven. We can boldly come before God because of what Jesus has done for us. Such a gift and a privilege. It’s a day to look forward to and not fear. If we picture Jesus there waiting for us with open arms it is much easier. I certainly don’t want to rush that day to come because there is so much more I want to experience in this life. To have the assurance of life beyond death is something some people don’t have. That is tragic.

God has given us a beautiful world in which to live and enjoy. Sometimes I take that for granted. How about you? Each day is a gift. To be able to open our eyes and see, to listen to the sounds of nature, to smell all the delightful aromas. To let our senses be overwhelmed. For all of that and more, I am grateful. Continue reading “Hebrews 10:19-25 – Truly Blessed”


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