Numbers 24:10-25 – God’s Will

Read Numbers 24:10-25

After all of that, Balaam received no reward from the king. That promise of riches was taken away when Balaam didn’t deliver the curse Balak wanted. The reward we receive is for doing good and having faith and trust in our God. I wonder if God extended that grace and mercy to Balaam as well.

We may not always understand what God’s will is for our lives, but we can clearly see here that it was his intention to protect his people Israel and give them victory over the people who would stand in their way. Even Balaam, an outsider, realized that and was used by God to further God’s will. Continue reading “Numbers 24:10-25 – God’s Will”

Leviticus 3:1-17 – A Peace Offering

Read Leviticus 3:1-17

This whole sacrifice system is quite interesting, probably because it is not familiar, and I like to learn new things. However, for people in Moses’ day, even people in other cultures, the idea of sacrifice would be common practice. The difference is critical, and that is that the Israelites were sacrificing to the LORD out of respect. It was also an act of communicating with the LORD, Creator of the universe.

It seems the peace offering was really another type of burnt offering. Things were getting burned with a pleasing aroma for God. The peace offering itself offered a variety of options. The bottom line was that a peace offering’s purpose was for peace and communion with God, not a cleansing of sin like the other burnt offerings of Chapter 1. Continue reading “Leviticus 3:1-17 – A Peace Offering”

Ecclesiastes 4:1-6 – Oppression

Read Ecclesiastes 4:1-6

Are you feeling oppressed today? Oppression is defined by Oxford Languages as “prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control.” Solomon was observing such behaviors in his day, too. As king, you would think he could have some control over how his subjects were being treated. The powers of evil were clearly at work then, as well as now.

It’s not pleasant to endure hardship, whether it’s oppression or otherwise. To believe we’d be better off dead is a bit “dark” don’t you think? It helps to remember that Solomon had drifted away from God and was relying on the gods of his many wives late in life. For those living on their own, hardship and oppression must be unbearable.

Continue reading “Ecclesiastes 4:1-6 – Oppression”

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