We are free and forgiven. We can boldly come before God because of what Jesus has done for us. Such a gift and a privilege. It’s a day to look forward to and not fear. If we picture Jesus there waiting for us with open arms it is much easier. I certainly don’t want to rush that day to come because there is so much more I want to experience in this life. To have the assurance of life beyond death is something some people don’t have. That is tragic.
God has given us a beautiful world in which to live and enjoy. Sometimes I take that for granted. How about you? Each day is a gift. To be able to open our eyes and see, to listen to the sounds of nature, to smell all the delightful aromas. To let our senses be overwhelmed. For all of that and more, I am grateful.
God gave us each other as well. I like the author’s suggestion to us here in verse 24. “Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.” What a great idea! The fellowship of a church family is a perfect place for this to begin. It shouldn’t be contained there, however. As part of the body of Christ, we should not only be thinking but doing the things that will motivate others.
What are some ways you can think of to motivate others? Perhaps you can start by thinking of ways that motivate you to do good works. What are some of your favorite good deeds? Remember, we are the hands and feet of our Lord touching people each day. We need to be on the move.
Lastly, I resonate with these words, “And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” God has gifted me as an encourager, and sometimes that gets me into trouble. Maybe not “trouble” but I do get some pretty perplexed looks from people when I try to encourage or often times “fix” things. God is the ultimate handyman, and I need to remember to let him take care of the maintenance. All I need to do is help love and bring some sunshine in.
There is so much wisdom in meeting together. The fellowship and community we share with other believers can be critical to our own spiritual growth. Not being connected to others is like a coal falling away from the fire. It can soon burn itself out. What happens next? It takes a while to reignite if it ever does. We all need to be praying for God to show us who the “coals” are so we can welcome them back in before they burn out.
We also should be praying to God to prepare the “coals” for our encouragement, creating in them a hunger for more. God has a plan for each one of us, and as the day draws nearer for him to return, it is all the more imperative we be ready. Who can you touch today with some love and encouragement?
Let’s pray. Father, I thank you for burning brightly inside of me. Give me eyes to see you and those in my path who are ready for a word from you. Help me say the right thing. May I be ready and open. Thank you for the community of believers you have surrounded us with here. It is a blessing and an honor to serve you in this place. Continue to bless the leadership and the people who attend. May your Spirit fall on each of us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.