Numbers 20:22-29 – Aaron’s Death

Read Numbers 20:22-29

We will all pass from this world, and this was Aaron’s time to be called to rest. The first high priest himself could not escape God’s wrath. He, too, would not personally see the Promised Land. Aaron’s death sentence for the spectacle involving the water at Meribah has now been accomplished. Earlier in the chapter we learned that Moses’ other sibling, Miriam had also died in the wilderness.

God commanded that Aaron’s death be preceded by a ceremony passing the priestly garments to Aaron’s son, Eleazar. The people were able to witness this transfer of power, yet the details of how Aaron joined his ancestors in death is not revealed here. It was important that the people understand what happened so they would give Eleazar the same respect they had had for Aaron. Continue reading “Numbers 20:22-29 – Aaron’s Death”

Leviticus 24:1-9 – Pure and Holy Bread

Read Leviticus 24:1-9

The planner/organizer in me couldn’t help but let my mind get stuck a moment on how many hours a pot of olive oil would keep the lamp burning—an hour, ten hours. That would make a difference in how Aaron arranged his life so that the light would never go out.

Aaron had been given great responsibility in the eyes of the LORD. The laws were given to protect and provide for the Israelites, and Aaron played a very big role in making sure the laws were carried out. At least the ones with his name assigned, which as priest he seemed to be God’s “go-to” peacekeeper/director. Continue reading “Leviticus 24:1-9 – Pure and Holy Bread”

Leviticus 9:1-24 – On the Job Training

Read Leviticus 9:1-24

We see now how Aaron and his sons enter the ministry for which they have been called and ordained. I love when God showed up in a powerful way just as Moses had said he would. “Present all these offerings to the Lord because the Lord will appear to you today.” It was as if the LORD gave his seal of approval for what Aaron had done on behalf of himself and others.

Did you notice that one of each of the offerings (except guilt) was used in this opening service. The sin offering was first as a cleansing of sin so all would be ready to be in the presence of God. In the offerings that followed, the people confessed, showed their devotion. These behaviors worked to draw the people closer to God. That has always been God’s intention. Continue reading “Leviticus 9:1-24 – On the Job Training”

Leviticus 8:1-36 – Chosen by God

Read Leviticus 8:1-36

Moses listened to God’s instructions and inducted Aaron and Aaron’s sons as priests properly before the LORD. This ritual is an act of God. What a process! Moses touched on the ordination offering requirements just a bit back in Chapter 6. Here, we have a front row seat to watch the ceremony take place. You may recall God gave Moses the instructions in Exodus 29.

Moses was clearly in a place of honor that day as he installed his brother, Aaron, and his nephews into the holy position of priest. Little did Aaron know when he helped his brother lead the people out of Egypt what his future would hold and how God would use him. If Aaron was feeling at all unworthy, the ordination process was meant to cleanse, as verse 34 says, “Everything we have done today was commanded by the Lord in order to purify you, making you right with him.” Aaron, along with his brother Moses, forever changed the lives and futures of the Israelite people. Continue reading “Leviticus 8:1-36 – Chosen by God”


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