Leviticus 24:1-9 – Pure and Holy Bread

Read Leviticus 24:1-9

The planner/organizer in me couldn’t help but let my mind get stuck a moment on how many hours a pot of olive oil would keep the lamp burning—an hour, ten hours. That would make a difference in how Aaron arranged his life so that the light would never go out.

Aaron had been given great responsibility in the eyes of the LORD. The laws were given to protect and provide for the Israelites, and Aaron played a very big role in making sure the laws were carried out. At least the ones with his name assigned, which as priest he seemed to be God’s “go-to” peacekeeper/director. Continue reading “Leviticus 24:1-9 – Pure and Holy Bread”

Psalm 34 – Why Fear the LORD?

Read Psalm 34

What a great testimony! This psalm is ascribed to David following a time he pretended to be insane while hiding from an angry King Saul in enemy lands. You have to be pretty desperate to attempt something like that to be safe. You can read more about David’s story in 1 Samuel 21. David memorializes his trust in the LORD during this frightening time in this beautiful psalm.

David says he will “praise the LORD at all times.” Do you have trouble singing praise to God when you are going through a rough patch in life, or do you draw in closer still? Some might say, “it depends.” David invites us all to “Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness; let us exalt his name together.” It’s hard to get lost in our despair when we are speaking of the great things God has done. If we have a hard time seeing the blessings in our own lives because of our circumstance, we can always look to how God moved among his people in Bible times. Continue reading “Psalm 34 – Why Fear the LORD?”


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