Psalm 89:1-4 – The Promised King

Read Psalm 89:1-4

We can never hear these words too many times. God is faithful forever, and his love for us will never end. That is the best news! It doesn’t matter if we’re stuck in traffic, wondering how we’re going to pay the bills, or trying to make a big life decision. God is right there beside us, always faithful.

What a great Advent theme of praise for us to dwell in God’s unfailing love. Sending Jesus was an act of that great love playing out for all to see. It wasn’t a random act or baseless whim. God’s intention was brewing centuries before Jesus came to fulfill these words of the psalmist. The psalmist wasn’t sharing new information either. God had made this promise to King David of a never-ending dynasty. Neither David nor the psalmist knew it would be Jesus, the Son of God. Continue reading “Psalm 89:1-4 – The Promised King”

Psalm 126 – What Joy!

Read Psalm 126

Nobody can touch the joy I have in the LORD! Do you agree with that statement? Joy is different than happiness. In fact, I have tapped into my “joy” even in times of great distress and turmoil. It’s that joy that keeps me going when I’m feeling sad, lonely, or even stressed. Joy is not dependent upon good circumstances.

The psalmist talks about joy in this passage. His joy comes from what the LORD has done. That’s exactly where our joy comes from. We can’t create joy, it’s a gift from God as he works in our lives and in the world. Continue reading “Psalm 126 – What Joy!”

Psalm 80:1-7 – Save Us!

Read Psalm 80:1-7

The cry of the psalmist can be ours as well as we anticipate Jesus’ return. “Come to rescue us,” are words on the lips of Christ followers around the world this Christmas. Why? Because the world is broken again, so broken. Our only hope is in Jesus.

Do you ever feel like an outcast because of your faith in Jesus? I sense the psalmist was also struggling with feeling abandoned. Yet his lament was directed to God, believing that God had turned away. We can cling to the promise in Deuteronomy 31:6, “So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” We don’t need to be alarmed or worry. Even if it feels like God is distant, he’s close. He is personally involved in our lives. Continue reading “Psalm 80:1-7 – Save Us!”

Psalm 122 – We Have Jesus

Read Psalm 122

Our last Advent reading spoke of our future trek to God’s mountain, and this psalm gives us a “song” to accompany our march. It’s known as a “psalm of ascent” because pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem for holy days and festivals would sing this collection of psalms as they went up the mountain to Jerusalem.

For our Advent journey, “Let us go to the house of the Lord,” and be glad as the psalmist. We’re called into community with other believers for this special time. While we may not be headed to Jerusalem, we can gather with our own church friends and give thanks. Continue reading “Psalm 122 – We Have Jesus”

Psalm 103 – Praise the Lord!

Read Psalm 103

Praise the Lord! What an uplifting tribute to God’s majesty, provision, and love. If ever you find yourself at a loss of words in prayer, lean into this truth of who God is. When we remember and call out God’s goodness, more and more examples just flood out of us. God loves to hear our praise.

The psalmist cries out, “Let all that I am praise the Lord.” That some sincere devotion. How many of us have ever been that “all-in” for God in our lives? We tell ourselves we have responsibilities, tasks, people counting on us, jobs, only 24 hours in a day. Yes, we have those things. But are they more important than God? Continue reading “Psalm 103 – Praise the Lord!”


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