Psalm 103 – Praise the Lord!

Read Psalm 103

Praise the Lord! What an uplifting tribute to God’s majesty, provision, and love. If ever you find yourself at a loss of words in prayer, lean into this truth of who God is. When we remember and call out God’s goodness, more and more examples just flood out of us. God loves to hear our praise.

The psalmist cries out, “Let all that I am praise the Lord.” That some sincere devotion. How many of us have ever been that “all-in” for God in our lives? We tell ourselves we have responsibilities, tasks, people counting on us, jobs, only 24 hours in a day. Yes, we have those things. But are they more important than God? Continue reading “Psalm 103 – Praise the Lord!”

Psalm 34 – Why Fear the LORD?

Read Psalm 34

What a great testimony! This psalm is ascribed to David following a time he pretended to be insane while hiding from an angry King Saul in enemy lands. You have to be pretty desperate to attempt something like that to be safe. You can read more about David’s story in 1 Samuel 21. David memorializes his trust in the LORD during this frightening time in this beautiful psalm.

David says he will “praise the LORD at all times.” Do you have trouble singing praise to God when you are going through a rough patch in life, or do you draw in closer still? Some might say, “it depends.” David invites us all to “Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness; let us exalt his name together.” It’s hard to get lost in our despair when we are speaking of the great things God has done. If we have a hard time seeing the blessings in our own lives because of our circumstance, we can always look to how God moved among his people in Bible times. Continue reading “Psalm 34 – Why Fear the LORD?”

Psalm 84 – How Lovely It Is

Read Psalm 84

What a beautiful psalm of respect for God’s house. At first, I wasn’t sure if the psalmist was referring to the temple in Jerusalem, a tabernacle in the wilderness, our local church, or heaven where God reigns forever in his Kingdom. Where is God’s dwelling place? I don’t think God is contained in a physical location. What are your thoughts about where this lovely place might be?

Suffice it to say that the presence of the LORD is magnificent no matter where we are. As so many other Scripture passages assure us, God is with us and never abandons us. When we allow ourselves to acknowledge God’s supremacy over our lives, we can’t help but worship him with our gratitude and praise. We long for more time dwelling in God’s presence. Continue reading “Psalm 84 – How Lovely It Is”

Psalm 23 – The Lord is My Shepherd

Read Psalm 23

This psalm has deep rooted memories for me. Do you remember the first time you heard this psalm? I have a distinct memory, can almost smell it. It was at my grandfather’s funeral. I was ten. I was a mess because I had just lost my best friend and the best listener in the whole world. Now when time I read this psalm, it often happens that I almost smell the odd musty funeral home. Despite the sad day, I remember being comforted by the psalm.

The version I grew up with had a little different second line. The version referred to in this blog and book series has been the NLT (New Living Translation) which says God provides what we need. Growing up, he provided what we wanted in a more traditional version like the ESV (English Standard Version). Between providing for what we need and want, our Shepherd King has it pretty much covered. The difference between a need and a want seems to be huge. Another version, the NIV (New International Version) which says we “lack nothing.” In sum, God provides. Continue reading “Psalm 23 – The Lord is My Shepherd”

Psalm 46 – Our Fortress

Read Psalm 46

God is “always” ready to help the psalmist says. Do you believe that, too? It is certainly knowledge to cling to in the uncertain world we live in. Our confidence can soar when we think of how God wants to be in relationship with us.

One of my favorite verses comes from this psalm. However, knowing the whole context of the psalm gives it a bit of a different flavor than how I usually focus on the direction. Verse 10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” The first part of this verse calling us to “be still” was the inspiration for my devotional blog. Continue reading “Psalm 46 – Our Fortress”


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