Psalm 23 – The Lord is My Shepherd

Read Psalm 23

This psalm has deep rooted memories for me. Do you remember the first time you heard this psalm? I have a distinct memory, can almost smell it. It was at my grandfather’s funeral. I was ten. I was a mess because I had just lost my best friend and the best listener in the whole world. Now when time I read this psalm, it often happens that I almost smell the odd musty funeral home. Despite the sad day, I remember being comforted by the psalm.

The version I grew up with had a little different second line. The version referred to in this blog and book series has been the NLT (New Living Translation) which says God provides what we need. Growing up, he provided what we wanted in a more traditional version like the ESV (English Standard Version). Between providing for what we need and want, our Shepherd King has it pretty much covered. The difference between a need and a want seems to be huge. Another version, the NIV (New International Version) which says we “lack nothing.” In sum, God provides. Continue reading “Psalm 23 – The Lord is My Shepherd”

Ezekiel 34:1-10 – Not Really Shepherds

Read Ezekiel 34:1-10

I don’t think I’ve ever met a shepherd, or one who herds sheep, in person. I’ve commonly seen goat herders and cow wranglers here in Mexico, but never a shepherd. They would have been a lot more common in Ezekiel’s day. The Bible uses the shepherd metaphor in other places as well. The 23rd Psalm begins, “The LORD is my shepherd, I have all that I need.”  

Shepherds were some of the first people to meet Jesus face to face. That tells me that God thinks highly of shepherds, perhaps because of their devotion to their flocks. God’s expectations for a shepherd’s behavior is clearly set out here. Feeding the sheep, tending to the weak, caring for the sick, and certainly searching after any sheep that get lost. Continue reading “Ezekiel 34:1-10 – Not Really Shepherds”

Psalm 23 💜 My Shepherd

Read Psalm 23

Jesus with his lambs, in a field with mountains and stream

I love this Psalm. It paints yet another picture of our wonderful Creator. He shepherds us and cares for us more than we could ever imagine. His grace is without limit. “I have all that I need.”

There is so much richness to this psalm, I could probably write a whole series of reflections on different sections. Take some time today to read through this a couple time if you can. How is it speaking to your heart? How do you see God a little differently when you see him as your Shepherd?

Continue reading “Psalm 23 💜 My Shepherd”

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