Psalm 103 – Praise the Lord!

Read Psalm 103

Praise the Lord! What an uplifting tribute to God’s majesty, provision, and love. If ever you find yourself at a loss of words in prayer, lean into this truth of who God is. When we remember and call out God’s goodness, more and more examples just flood out of us. God loves to hear our praise.

The psalmist cries out, “Let all that I am praise the Lord.” That some sincere devotion. How many of us have ever been that “all-in” for God in our lives? We tell ourselves we have responsibilities, tasks, people counting on us, jobs, only 24 hours in a day. Yes, we have those things. But are they more important than God? Continue reading “Psalm 103 – Praise the Lord!”

Advent 🕯 Isaiah 9:1-2 -Hope

Read Isaiah 9:1-2

Our Advent preparations are heading into the home stretch. It’s time to take a deep breath and prepare for the final frantic moments yet to come. Why do we try to pack so much into such a short period of time? There’s traveling, cookie baking, card sending, concert attending, rehearsing, decorating, wrapping gifts, carol singing–I’ve got to be forgetting something! Yes — hoping in Christ!

Isaiah’s prophecy speaks loudly to us as well. We can surely identify with living in a “time of darkness and despair,” too. Anytime God is absent from a conversation or a decision or an event, the potential for darkness exists. Isaiah’s message brings hope to those living in darkness when he says, “will not go on forever.”

Continue reading “Advent 🕯 Isaiah 9:1-2 -Hope”

1 Peter 4:7-11 – Bring Glory to God

Read 1 Peter 4:7-11

That first line sure grabbed me, did it for you? I had to stop and just nod my head. I’d love to think that Jesus was coming soon. And then I remember all the people I know and love that don’t know Jesus yet, or if they do, they aren’t nurturing their relationship like Jesus deserves. So when you wonder why Jesus hasn’t come yet, remind yourself there are still people who need to know about him and be saved.

We’re a lot closer to Jesus’ return than Peter was when he wrote this letter. Thousands of years have already passed. In every generation, people have been getting ready. I don’t suppose any of those who love Jesus mind when they get to heaven. We have the confidence he’ll return when the Father says so. He promised. It’s our job to be ready.

Continue reading “1 Peter 4:7-11 – Bring Glory to God”

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