1 Peter 4:7-11 – Bring Glory to God

Read 1 Peter 4:7-11

That first line sure grabbed me, did it for you? I had to stop and just nod my head. I’d love to think that Jesus was coming soon. And then I remember all the people I know and love that don’t know Jesus yet, or if they do, they aren’t nurturing their relationship like Jesus deserves. So when you wonder why Jesus hasn’t come yet, remind yourself there are still people who need to know about him and be saved.

We’re a lot closer to Jesus’ return than Peter was when he wrote this letter. Thousands of years have already passed. In every generation, people have been getting ready. I don’t suppose any of those who love Jesus mind when they get to heaven. We have the confidence he’ll return when the Father says so. He promised. It’s our job to be ready.

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2 Corinthians 12:11-21 – Here to Help

Read 2 Corinthians 12:11-21

Have you ever had your motives questioned? Maybe you were trying to help a neighbor in need and someone else looked at what you were doing and thought you were taking advantage. Or maybe you were serving at church and somebody thought you were only worried about your “own” agenda and not what was best for the ministry. If it sounds like I’ve “been there, done that,” it’s true. Those are real life examples, and it hurts.

Paul seems to be having a little of the same “shame” going on. He shouldn’t. He is listening to the voice of God and is there to help. People will be people. Doubting. Judgmental. Perhaps even jealous. As leaders, we open ourselves up to criticism. We can’t please everyone and many times that’s enough to keep good people from taking leadership roles. Even in the church, especially in the church, you would think we’d be safe from this questioning behavior. Paul shows us it was happening even then.

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2 Corinthians 8:16-24 – Glorify the Lord

Read 2 Corinthians 8:16-24

Paul introduces us in this passage to Titus and has many nice things to say about him. Titus will have some companions, too, but they remain unnamed here. It seems like Paul is going out of his way to show his support and acceptance, presumably to give the Corinthians the same level of trust. After all, Titus and his travel mates will be the ones carrying the donations back to Jerusalem.

Having been a church leader for many years, I know the scrutiny we endure. There is a lot of pressure to be above reproach. Why is that? For some, it is to make sure nobody can accuse you of doing something shady. We’ve all seen the scandals of church leaders who have been caught in their sin, exposed, ridiculed, and thrown out of their roles. Being we’re all sinful, it can be hard to live up to the expectations put on a church leader to somehow be less sinful. How can it be less daunting?

Continue reading “2 Corinthians 8:16-24 – Glorify the Lord”

Matthew 20:17-28 – Be a Servant

Read Matthew 20:17-28

Before Jesus’ teaching on being a servant, he spoke of his own death again. This time, he spoke about the Son of Man (himself) in third person. Why does he share again? I’m guessing it’s to prepare his friends. He is telling them exactly what is going to happen. This time he connects it with being in Jerusalem, their destination. Jesus is headed right into his destiny. How was he feeling about that? How would you have felt?

It doesn’t say what the disciples’ response was. I’m guessing they are still finding it hard to believe. Jesus is so popular. How is it possible that he will be killed so ruthlessly? Our reading quickly shifts to the scene with the mother of James and John. She is asking for favor for her sons. Jesus isn’t about to grant her request, it is not his place to do so.

Continue reading “Matthew 20:17-28 – Be a Servant”

Acts 28:11-31: Serve and Love

Read Acts 28:11-31

Paul has arrived in Rome, just as Jesus told him he would. The journey there was a bit rocky, but he was safe. His ministry in Rome is now underway. I am always amazed at how news traveled in those days. The phone hadn’t been invented yet, and certainly, there was no email or texting. Yet believers knew and came to welcome and encourage Paul.

Who have you welcomed or encouraged today? Continue reading “Acts 28:11-31: Serve and Love”


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