Paul introduces us in this passage to Titus and has many nice things to say about him. Titus will have some companions, too, but they remain unnamed here. It seems like Paul is going out of his way to show his support and acceptance, presumably to give the Corinthians the same level of trust. After all, Titus and his travel mates will be the ones carrying the donations back to Jerusalem.
Having been a church leader for many years, I know the scrutiny we endure. There is a lot of pressure to be above reproach. Why is that? For some, it is to make sure nobody can accuse you of doing something shady. We’ve all seen the scandals of church leaders who have been caught in their sin, exposed, ridiculed, and thrown out of their roles. Being we’re all sinful, it can be hard to live up to the expectations put on a church leader to somehow be less sinful. How can it be less daunting?
I think there are some clues here in today’s reading for how we can be better, more trustworthy leaders in the church. (1) Be enthusiastic for your area of ministry; (2) Glorify the Lord in how you serve; (3) Be appointed by the church; (4) Serve together so you have a “witness” to your actions; and (5) Treat your role, as well as those you serve, with honor and respect.
Have you served a church before? Can you remember being a Sunday School teacher, a choir member, an usher or member of the hospitality team, a small group leader, an altar guild member, a technology or visual arts member, a church board or council member, etc.? There are so many ways we can volunteer and serve. Now think about the five clues.
If you are currently serving a church, you have a great opportunity to be glorifying God and helping others do the same. By following these simple guidelines (clues), you can make your service even better. I think back to my own experiences with teaching Sunday School. It was an honor to be part of a child’s faith journey. I took that role very seriously, yet I had so much fun with it. It was a good fit for my gifts, abilities, and passions. That’s another key to leadership. Don’t sing in the choir if you can’t carry a tune. Don’t teach Sunday School if you’re not a fan of children. What lights you up? Do that to glorify God.
How is God using you to serve today? Are you actively involved in a church ministry? Maybe you’re “taking a break” from that. God is stirring inside you. We are all meant to share something with someone to further the kingdom. Take time to listen to God today.

Let’s pray … Lord, thank you for how you have used me over the years. As I look back, I feel so blessed for all the opportunities you have given me. Forgive me for those times I have turned down an invitation to serve. Bless the mission congregation we are currently serving. Help us to reach more and more people with your life-saving grace and love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.