Read 1 Peter 4:7-11
That first line sure grabbed me, did it for you? I had to stop and just nod my head. I’d love to think that Jesus was coming soon. And then I remember all the people I know and love that don’t know Jesus yet, or if they do, they aren’t nurturing their relationship like Jesus deserves. So when you wonder why Jesus hasn’t come yet, remind yourself there are still people who need to know about him and be saved.
We’re a lot closer to Jesus’ return than Peter was when he wrote this letter. Thousands of years have already passed. In every generation, people have been getting ready. I don’t suppose any of those who love Jesus mind when they get to heaven. We have the confidence he’ll return when the Father says so. He promised. It’s our job to be ready.
Peter had firsthand knowledge of what Jesus said about his return. He had heard it with his own ears, and then the Holy Spirit empowered him to spread that message. Peter also knew the mindset we’d need to be ready to see Jesus face to face. Whether he returns in our lifetime or we see him when we breathe our last, Peter’s words should speak to us loudly.
Good representatives of Christ reflect him well. That’s all Peter is telling us. He even gives us concrete examples of what that means for us and our communities. Let’s unpack those a little bit: Pray + Love + Give + Serve
Our prayers are to be earnest and disciplined. In other words, we can be totally open with God and let him inside our hearts. He welcomes us to share our innermost thoughts, dreams, and challenges. Aside from that, we need to discipline ourselves to be regular in our prayer life. God doesn’t want to hear from us once a week. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says, “Never stop praying.” That’s continuous! Find a rhythm that works for you—but make it often.
Loving others is one of those encompassing actions that benefits so much more than we can imagine. Picture a community where everyone loves each other. Really loves each other! Peter says, “deep love.” This isn’t the only place the Bible tells us to love. Jesus told us, too. In John 15:12-13, Jesus says, “This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” I hope you have found a community of friends where you can love each other like that.
Giving is another big part of being in a community. Sure, we can give as individuals, but Peter is speaking to a group. How much more impact can we make as teams of people? I think of mission trips I have been part of. Accomplishments we can visualize, like painted walls, raked yards, or houses built, are precious. Think of all the unseen changed lives resulting from a group’s donations. Be a giver! It feels so good!
Finally, Peter wants us to use our gifts “well” to serve the needs of others. That’s why the Holy Spirit gave them to us in the first place. It’s on purpose we don’t all have the same gifts. God planned for us to be in community. We’re known as being part of the “body of Christ.” As in any body, each member, or body part, has a job to do. It’s the same in our communities. Without the right gifts serving, the “body” can’t operate correctly and glorify God.
Peter is not introducing new concepts. As a body of believers, Peter wanted those early Christians to set a good example for others. It’s powerful when you find a community that acts in these ways together. Too often people fall short in these four areas and have hard feelings, become jealous, or make power plays for attention. It’s a simple mission statement for us to adopt in any of the groups we’re part of.
No matter what we do, we should remember Peter’s challenge. “Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ.” That’s Peter’s hope — that our Christian conduct will bring glory to God.
A friend recently shared something he does that he finds helpful. When facing a situation or making decision, he always asks himself, “does it honor God?” If the answer is no, he doesn’t do it. Can you think of a situation when you did something that clearly didn’t glorify God? I can, and it’s been hard to forgive myself.
Let Peter’s words encourage you to draw closer to Jesus. He’s coming soon! While we wait, we can patiently do what Peter suggests for his community: pray, love, give, and serve. How are you going to put those actions into practice? How can you encourage your community of believers to ramp up their own acts to glorify God?

Let’s pray. Lord, I love how your word says exactly what my heart is yearning for. The world needs to hear Peter’s words. Churches, neighborhoods, and even nations, would so benefit from this wisdom. Help me be better at doing these things as an individual to get ready for your return. May I also encourage the groups I’m involved with to be more mindful of such attractive and God honoring habits. In Jesus’ name. Amen.