Before Jesus’ teaching on being a servant, he spoke of his own death again. This time, he spoke about the Son of Man (himself) in third person. Why does he share again? I’m guessing it’s to prepare his friends. He is telling them exactly what is going to happen. This time he connects it with being in Jerusalem, their destination. Jesus is headed right into his destiny. How was he feeling about that? How would you have felt?
It doesn’t say what the disciples’ response was. I’m guessing they are still finding it hard to believe. Jesus is so popular. How is it possible that he will be killed so ruthlessly? Our reading quickly shifts to the scene with the mother of James and John. She is asking for favor for her sons. Jesus isn’t about to grant her request, it is not his place to do so.
The other disciples were not very happy when they heard about what was happening here. They all wanted special favor. Had they lost sight of their mission. At least they were seeing Jesus for who he was. Someone with authority. They wanted the glory, too, and they figured Jesus had the power to make it happen. He had “connections” after all.
Jesus needed to reel them in. He reminded them how rulers tend to lord over their people and flaunt their power and majesty. We see that still today. There tends to be a lot of power hungry people in authority. They like to pat themselves on the back a lot and make the rest of us feel like second class citizens in comparison. For Jesus’ disciples, it will be different.
Jesus told them they need to be servants. They need to have their hearts in the right place to be ready to serve and not be served. We are all probably aware of what it feels like to be served. At one time or another in our lives somebody has served us. For example, in a restaurant our food is brought for us. There are plenty of other tangible ways to serve.
How are you doing at being a servant? What do you do to serve others? Do you have selfish motives for doing it? Or do you serve simply to please the one you’re serving and God? In God’s eyes, servant leaders are the best leaders. When you can focus on the needs of others instead of your own burning desires, you become a servant leader.
Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Our mission isn’t necessarily to give our life for others, but we need to devote our life to caring for others, being good stewards with what we are given, and helping others at their point of need. How are you doing in your mission? Where are you finding the most difficulty?
Take some time today and talk with God about how you’re feeling. Are you clear on your mission of servanthood? How are you serving? Let this song, “Make Me A Servant” be your daily prayer. LISTEN HERE.

Let’s pray. Lord, make me a servant. Humble my heart. Bring the people into my life that I can serve. Show me how you want me to serve them. Increase in me the compassion I need. Walk with me as I do a better job of being your servant. In Jesus’ name. Amen.