What a glorious picture of the Kingdom of God. Some may call it unfair. Others will see how it portrays a loving God who shows no favorites. It reminds us that God is God and we are not. Our salvation is secure when we follow Christ. Whether we have been followers our whole life or claim Jesus as our Lord and Savior on our death bed, the Kingdom of God is prepared for all who believe. It’s up to God who spends eternity with him.
I’ve often heard Christians lamenting about how it’s not fair that we who have followed Jesus our whole lives get the same reward (heaven) as do those who have been evil their whole life but then miraculously on their death beds claim Jesus as Lord and Savior. This is the perfect example given by Jesus. We need to stop grumbling. After all, we’ve enjoyed a life full of God’s blessings as followers of Christ.
It’s up to God who gets to spend eternity with him. Just because many have been “followers” for their whole life, does that mean they have a “get into heaven FREE” card? Not necessarily. God knows our hearts. There are plenty of “followers” who aren’t truly following. They may be fooling the world, but they will never fool God.
Likewise, just because someone professes faith at the end of a life filled with sinfulness doesn’t guarantee eternal life. Words are cheap. God knows the heart. It is up to God who spends eternity with him. We can do our best to love him, follow him, disciple others, etc. while we are given the opportunity in this life, but God decides and does what he wants.
We are all sinful. We are all in need of a Savior. We all, at one time or another, have thought our own abilities were enough. It will do us good to remember this passage. The landowner did what he wanted with his money, just as God will do what he wants when our judgment day comes.
I don’t know about you, but I enjoy living a life full of God’s grace. I enjoy the peace that surpasses understanding I feel when I reflect on all that God has done for me and continues to do for me. I have agreed to “work for a day’s wages” for the whole day. I’m not going to wait until the end. Every day I can spend as a disciple of Christ is a blessed day for me. I want others to share in this beautiful way of life, too.

Let’s pray. Lord, I love you with all that I am. Forgive me when I fall short of your expectations for me. I pray that you will use me, my words, and my life to reflect you. Your promises are great and you are worthy to be praised. May the praise on my lips help to encourage others who may be searching for you, God. May my heart be filled with devotion to only you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.