Is this story of the two blind men different from all the other healing miracles Jesus performed? Certainly there is no way to count how many people encountered Jesus’ healing touch. Yet with all the potential accounts that could be memorialized, I wonder why this one was singled out from all the rest.
We have Jesus and his disciples on their way to Jerusalem. There would have been a multitude of people all heading in the same direction. A “crowd” as it were. They all had their destination in mind. The Passover celebration was near. Yet these two blind men were different. They were not going anywhere just yet. They had heard that Jesus was coming their way. They were going to be different and wait.
The men shouted out for Jesus’ attention calling him Lord, Son of David. They were hushed by the crowds, but they didn’t let that stop them. They dared to be different, to persevere. Since they couldn’t see, they had to make themselves known in some way. They chose to cry out for Jesus lest he pass by and not notice them. They chose to be different. They didn’t listen to the crowd. They chose boldness.
What was Jesus’ response when he came upon them? He asked them what they wanted. The mercy they cried out for was for restored sight. Jesus, feeling sorry for them, touched their eyes and they were healed instantly. You can imagine the crowds passing by did take notice of this. The men had dared to be different and their reward was great.
Did you note their response to this healing? They became followers of Jesus. I’m pretty sure I would have done the same. You can’t have a transformation in your life like that and remain the same. They dared to be different and now their lives had changed. Their life journey would take a new path. Can you even imagine how you’d feel after a profound healing such as that?
How can you dare to be different? Can you shut out the distractions from the “crowd” and focus solely on Jesus? Are you seeking Jesus to give you a transformation in your life? How are you letting him know?

Let’s pray. Father, I cry out to you today to grant your mercy on me. Forgive me for how I have let you down. Forgive me for not being more persistent in my cries for help. I trust you, and you know my heart. You want to hear from me, you want me to rely on your power, you want to bless me with your grace. I’m on my knees today. I dare to be different and ask that you bless all my communications. Grant me clarity on my mission once again. In Jesus’ name. Amen.