Numbers 20:22-29 – Aaron’s Death

Read Numbers 20:22-29

We will all pass from this world, and this was Aaron’s time to be called to rest. The first high priest himself could not escape God’s wrath. He, too, would not personally see the Promised Land. Aaron’s death sentence for the spectacle involving the water at Meribah has now been accomplished. Earlier in the chapter we learned that Moses’ other sibling, Miriam had also died in the wilderness.

God commanded that Aaron’s death be preceded by a ceremony passing the priestly garments to Aaron’s son, Eleazar. The people were able to witness this transfer of power, yet the details of how Aaron joined his ancestors in death is not revealed here. It was important that the people understand what happened so they would give Eleazar the same respect they had had for Aaron. Continue reading “Numbers 20:22-29 – Aaron’s Death”


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