Numbers 20:22-29 – Aaron’s Death

Read Numbers 20:22-29

We will all pass from this world, and this was Aaron’s time to be called to rest. The first high priest himself could not escape God’s wrath. He, too, would not personally see the Promised Land. Aaron’s death sentence for the spectacle involving the water at Meribah has now been accomplished. Earlier in the chapter we learned that Moses’ other sibling, Miriam had also died in the wilderness.

God commanded that Aaron’s death be preceded by a ceremony passing the priestly garments to Aaron’s son, Eleazar. The people were able to witness this transfer of power, yet the details of how Aaron joined his ancestors in death is not revealed here. It was important that the people understand what happened so they would give Eleazar the same respect they had had for Aaron. Continue reading “Numbers 20:22-29 – Aaron’s Death”

Zechariah 3:1-10 – A Burning Stick

Read Zechariah 3:1-10

Our focus now shifts to the high priest’s leadership of the new people of God in this “new age” or time after captivity. Jeshua or Joshua, depending on your translation, is the high priest in this vision, having come from the Zadokite tradition. Zechariah has a front row seat to observe Joshua’s questioning and accusations by Satan himself. What a vision!

Satan’s attempts to distract Joshua are rebuked by God. The LORD says to Satan, “This man is like a burning stick that has been snatched from the fire.” Joshua would have been lost forever, consumed by the fire of sin, if he had not been plucked out of Satan’s grip. God had bigger purposes for Joshua, and this prophecy gives him great spiritual authority among the people.

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Hebrews 9:11-28 – What Jesus Did For You!

Read Hebrews 9:11-28

What was your reaction to this reading? Did you take note of some of the gems of truth the Preacher is sharing with us. It’s easy to let these words just whiz on past. Remember that what Jesus did, he did for you! Jesus secured our redemption forever.

The old covenant was good for external purity. In the new covenant, Jesus cleanses us on the inside as well. We now live in freedom to encounter and experience God without exhausting ourselves trying to be perfect by following the law. Paying attention to God’s law is not a bad thing, but we don’t want to let our striving to be perfect consume us and distract us from the importance of a worshipful relationship with God. The laws we want to follow are those affirmed in the New Testament (not the ceremonial laws).

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Hebrews 9:1-10 – Tradition

Read Hebrews 9:1-10

The Preacher is connecting some dots as he takes us on this historical tour. He portrays the Holy Place and Most Holy Place in a way we imagine quite clearly. He wants us to understand the ways of the old covenant. We are told exactly what tradition expected in terms of the priests and their duties and responsibilities. The Most Holy Place was reserved for the High Priest, but you have been given a glimpse behind the curtain!

This passage made me think of a song by the group Kutless called “Take Me In.” Listen here. Lord, I want to see your face. I hunger and thirst for your righteousness. These lyrics from the song put us in the perfect place to worship God, don’t you agree? Such reverence! We all long to see Jesus face to face and, in the meantime, crave his righteousness. When we can enter our time of worship with such devotion, we become open to receiving the Spirit and hearing the word of God so much better.

Continue reading “Hebrews 9:1-10 – Tradition”

Hebrews 8:1-13 – Jesus Ushers in the New Covenant

Read Hebrews 8:1-13

The Preacher is making a big deal out of the fact Jesus is our High Priest. It truly is an honor to have Jesus ministering to us from his heavenly home. Jesus’ purposes on earth were many, but this is his destiny.  We can be thankful Jesus “is the one who mediates for us a far better covenant with God, based on better promises.”

A covenant is a special kind of promise. In the covenant made between God and Israel at Sinai, the people vowed they would be obedient to God’s laws. God knew this old covenant was flawed and needed to be updated. The people had abused God’s promise by turning from him and relying on other gods. Sin is chronic, and the people were stuck in a pattern of disobedience. Yet God remained faithful.

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