Zechariah 3:1-10 – A Burning Stick


Read Zechariah 3:1-10

Our focus now shifts to the high priest’s leadership of the new people of God in this “new age” or time after captivity. Jeshua or Joshua, depending on your translation, is the high priest in this vision, having come from the Zadokite tradition. Zechariah has a front row seat to observe Joshua’s questioning and accusations by Satan himself. What a vision!

Satan’s attempts to distract Joshua are rebuked by God. The LORD says to Satan, “This man is like a burning stick that has been snatched from the fire.” Joshua would have been lost forever, consumed by the fire of sin, if he had not been plucked out of Satan’s grip. God had bigger purposes for Joshua, and this prophecy gives him great spiritual authority among the people.

But this high priest, Joshua, was guilty of sin! His filthy clothes symbolize that for us. Was God still going to use him? It’s important to see through this vision that the LORD chose to forgive him, just like he “chose” Jerusalem! Don’t we sometimes feel like we’re caught in the flames of sin, praying for God to rescue us? God sent Jesus for us.

God didn’t allow Joshua to be consumed by his sin. In fact, he was washed clean of his sin, like putting on fresh clothing. Zechariah’s vision reveals how God gave Joshua another chance with these instructions: “If you follow my ways and carefully serve me, then you will be given authority over my Temple and its courtyards. I will let you walk among these others standing here.” Even priests can stumble, and it’s clear they’d forgotten God’s ways. It’s always good to be reminded of what’s important so that we can stay grounded in our own faith.

To be a good leader for the people, Joshua would need some retraining and guidance. Being called into spiritual leadership is an honor and privilege not to be taken lightly. There is a place for accountability to be a good example for the people you are leading. It’s a responsibility that God gives us to help people draw near to him, ourselves included.

Taking it a step farther, Zechariah’s vision informs us that Joshua and the other priests have an important role to play in God’s story of redemption. What would you think if you had just gotten back from exile and God told you this: “You are symbols of things to come. Soon I am going to bring my servant, the Branch.” I would probably have gotten stuck on the “Branch” part. What was God talking about?

Of course, because we have the New Testament, we can see how the “Branch” points to Jesus. Jesus is our High Priest, ruling from on high. Jesus was God’s servant and modeled a holy kind of leadership for us to follow.

God’s instructions for leadership were easy: “follow my ways and carefully serve me.” How are you at following in Jesus’ footsteps? Does the way you serve honor God and bring you joy? Can you do more?

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. Lord, I’m challenged to be the best leader I can be in situations where my leadership is helpful. If there are ways that I can serve you, reveal them to me. I want to honor you with my life. Thank you for rescuing me from the fires of sin. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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