Zechariah 2:6-13 – God’s Heavenly Plan

child hugging a teddy bear

Read Zechariah 2:6-13

These visions seem to tie God’s plan all together as the people are returning from exile. The prophet Jeremiah spoke of this day when his prophecy declared the people would return after seventy years in Babylon captivity. God’s promise all those years ago was finally being fulfilled.

God wants his people to know that he still cares for them. He said, “Anyone who harms you harms my most precious possession.” How does it make you feel to be “God’s precious possession?”

I can picture a toddler holding his favorite toy, maybe a special blanket they sleep with every night. That is a precious possession. I’ve witnessed several meltdowns over the years when such items were left behind on a vacation or even a short car ride. Likewise, God sees us that way, never wanting us to be apart from him.

God’s vision is to bring his people together, then and now. We are stronger in community with others. In God’s anger, his people had been scattered apart. Like having a time out, it was time to get on with things, focusing on better behavior this time around.

Zechariah’s words now point a bit farther down the road. “The Lord says, ‘Shout and rejoice, O beautiful Jerusalem, for I am coming to live among you.’” In other words, it’s time to start imagining having God living among you. What might they have thought? Would there be fear, awe, and wonder?

We are on this side of history and know that this part of the prophecy has also been fulfilled. Jesus was born, and God in the flesh lived among his people. But this prophecy is not done being fulfilled for Jesus said that he was coming back. Jesus also welcomed non-Jews into the fold.

The Holy Spirit has been taking up residence within us humans since shortly after Jesus ascended to heaven. When Jesus’ returns, Zechariah’s prophecy will be complete. “Many nations will join themselves to the Lord on that day, and they, too, will be my people.” Those returning captives must have really wondered what this kind of day might look like.

The heavenly plan has been set in motion. The words of salvation that Zechariah spoke, while sounding foreign, must have also brought hope. How do you respond? Our call is to be silent before the Lord. Not just the chosen ones but all humanity. That’s going to be a beautiful sight to see when all humanity is in reverence to God. That’s a hope for us today as we watch God’s heavenly plan unfold.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. Lord, I love to think of the day when you return. Whether it is in my lifetime or not, it will be at just the perfect time and all of heaven will rejoice. I love how your heavenly plan was set in motion so many centuries ago, and we can all watch it unfold. My anticipation grows with each passing day. May I be silent and listen for your voice to lead as I wait for your return. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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