Zechariah 2:1-5 – Think Bigger

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Read Zechariah 2:1-5

On my first read through this reading, I couldn’t help but wonder, “God, what do you want for me to reflect on?” Then I realized I needed to think bigger, just like the man with the measuring tool trying to measure Jerusalem. He was measuring what was left, as if to reconstruct exactly what was there before.

That man wasn’t doing anything wrong, but he was limiting what God could do. Jerusalem had laid in ruin for 70 years. Now the people were returning. I imagine it was something like a “homing device” calling the people back to their homeland. Zechariah’s vision speaks to just how many people. “Jerusalem will someday be so full of people and livestock that there won’t be room enough for everyone! Many will live outside the city walls.”

While the temple built by Solomon was majestic, not thinking bigger limits God. The kingdom of God has arrived, and the glory of God will have a hard time being contained.

Zechariah gives us a glimpse of the new Jerusalem that will come when God’s kingdom is fully revealed when Jesus returns. “‘Then I, myself, will be a protective wall of fire around Jerusalem,’ says the Lord. ‘And I will be the glory inside the city!’” God is everywhere, inside and outside the glorious city of Jerusalem.

Think of a time in your life when you put a limitation on your faith in God. Maybe you didn’t even ask God for something because you didn’t want to be disappointed when he didn’t answer your request as you’d hoped. Maybe you doubted just enough that you couldn’t see the possibilities. Think how much you are missing out on by limiting God or putting him in a box.

I may have done that once or twice, to be honest. It’s humbling to look back and see how God worked things out anyway, many times in jaw dropping ways. Thankfully God can work with our mistakes. I’ve learned that, too, but often wonder what God’s Plan A had been. Can you relate? It’s so much better to be open to God’s leading, even if it makes us unpopular in our worldly circles.

This reading reminded me to think outside the box where my faith is concerned. I want to do a better job of seeing the unlimited potential God’s way provides.

Are you guilty of putting limits on God like most people? How do we do it? Here’s five ways: (1) Lack of Trust; (2) Fear of Sacrifice; (3) Leaning on Self; (4) Living by “Feelings”; and (5) Lack of Expectation. Ask God to help you if you’re struggling in any of these areas.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. Lord, forgive me for those times that I have limited you or not expected you to act for some reason. I can’t imagine what reason would keep me from trusting in you and treasuring the anticipation of your answers. Yet, you know how my mind can get all garbled at times. Help me sort it out and keep you the top priority in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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