Titus 3:5 – Sweet Mercy

“[H]e saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit.” (Titus 3:5)

Far too often Christians strut around touting their salvation as if it was something they deserved for righteous living. That’s not a good look on us! Our salvation is not based on anything we do or have done. This memory verse helps us keep that truth straight. We only have this hope because our God is merciful.

Context: Our verse of the day is part of a section called, “Do What is Good.” The author starts by pointing to elected officials challenging them to do good and quickly shifts to us and our own sinful tendencies. The generosity of God to his disobedient followers knows no bounds. That’s the tone of the texts surrounding our verse today. Continue reading “Titus 3:5 – Sweet Mercy”

Joel 3:1-12 – Judgment for Our Enemies

Read Joel 3:1-12

In our previous reading, Joel speaks of a time when those who call upon the LORD will be saved. This prophecy seeks to alert all the enemies who ever harmed God’s people that their judgment is at hand. They were not going to get away with their abuse of God’s loved ones. The time was coming for “pay backs.” God said to the enemies of his people, “I will strike swiftly and pay you back for everything you have done.”

We see here the example of God gathering all nations together in one place. The word Jehoshaphat means “the LORD judges,” so this was probably a symbolic reference, not necessarily a physical location. Can we assume that God still judges those who abuse us?

Continue reading “Joel 3:1-12 – Judgment for Our Enemies”

Jeremiah 12:14-17 – Hope for All

Read Jeremiah 12:14-17

person standing with arm reaching up facing the sun and sun beams

Is he talking about us? Verse 14 says he’s talking about the evil nations seeking to harm Israel. They are not God’s chosen ones. God’s fury is settling in on Israel and Judah, but what about the rest of the world?

We know from the other messages Jeremiah has been sharing that God will use other nations to bring destruction. But in this reading, the prophecy switches to give hope to other nations as well. The instruction is there for how they can find favor with God, too.

Continue reading “Jeremiah 12:14-17 – Hope for All”

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