Read 1 Chronicles 23:1-32
If you’ve ever wondered who the Levites were and what they do, this is the text for you! Even though David wasn’t the one chosen to build the temple, he wanted to do as much as he could to help the process. It had been his idea in the first place, so I’m sure he had lots of plans going through his head. By putting all of this in motion, he could feel like he had made a difference in more than just his military victories.
The Chronicler doesn’t go into all the details surrounding Solomon’s coronation here. Suffice it to say there was drama surrounding who would become king! You can read more about that in 1 Kings 1-2.
The original readers of the Chronicler’s writings would have been those returning from exile many years after King David set these standards in place for how worship would be help in the temple, and who would be assigned to do what jobs.
I’m sure David had no idea when he set this up for Solomon that centuries later his descendants would again be building a temple for the Lord. Brilliant! The Chronicler was able to provide helpful information to a new group of people trying to establish the temple helpers and worship practices. If they were able to read the Chronicler’s words, they would not need to “recreate the wheel” and figure everything out.
It wasn’t surprising to see the list of descendants again here. As we’ve learned, genealogy was important to them. Your family of origin mattered. The Chronicler seems to want to be factual in his presentation as much as he wants to focus on worship.
My favorite verse from this reading was, “And each morning and evening they stood before the Lord to sing songs of thanks and praise to him.” The Levites were tasked with many duties, but having two times of worship each day sounds like a beautiful thing. I know that when I sing praise at any time of day the rest of my day just goes all the better. I especially like to have praise music playing loud while I’m working out at home. There’s an energy there that is hard to describe.
David knew that such a daily ritual would benefit the Levites who would be caring for the Lord’s Temple. What higher honor could a man have then to be given such an assignment as Levites. Many would want the honor, but only by blood could you receive it. Yet another reason why genealogies played a key role in that culture.
Thank God today for the honor you have in being able to approach him, spend time with him, even talk to him. This is an honor that should be envied by all, yet so few seem to understand “what’s the big deal?” It’s sad really, and I don’t have the answer for how to fix it so that everyone falls to their knees for Jesus. Pray for those who cannot see, too.

Let’s pray. Thank you for Bible heroes like David who give us such great examples of leadership and worship. I love our times of connection through praise music. You always fill me with your strength in those times. I know there are so many people who don’t know your loving, yet powerful touch. Use me to help them find their way to you. I know you’ll show me exactly how to do that. In Jesus’ name. Amen.