Christmas πŸ“– John 1:1-14 – Word

Read John 1:1-14

Our Christmas reading selections would not be complete without this passage from John’s gospel. There are no smelly stables or glowing angels in this story, only powerful messages about who Jesus is! We often forget that Jesus played an instrumental role in creation. He is also the Word bringing light to everyone.

Jesus is the “true light” available to all. Yet there are many people who reject the light of Christ in their lives. Either they don’t know the joy of Jesus’ saving grace, have never heard about Jesus, or have decided they don’t need Jesus because everything is “good.” How do you get across to this dark world that life can be so much better than “good” with Jesus in it?

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Christmas 🌟 Matthew 2:1-12 – Wisdom

Read Matthew 2:1-12

These men were expecting a Jewish king to be born from prophecy. They must have been elated when they finally saw the star. We don’t know much about these men, other than they were wise. The text doesn’t say where they came from, how long they had traveled, or how many of them there were. Have we assumed three because there were three special gifts? (Fun fact: the Eastern church recognizes there were twelve wise men!)

Their wisdom had prepared them for this moment. You can imagine many people had seen that glorious star in the sky, but they had no idea what it meant. Somehow, these men knew it signified the birth of a future Jewish king, even greater than King Herod, the then current king on the throne.

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