Christmas 📖 John 1:1-14 – Word

Read John 1:1-14

Our Christmas reading selections would not be complete without this passage from John’s gospel. There are no smelly stables or glowing angels in this story, only powerful messages about who Jesus is! We often forget that Jesus played an instrumental role in creation. He is also the Word bringing light to everyone.

Jesus is the “true light” available to all. Yet there are many people who reject the light of Christ in their lives. Either they don’t know the joy of Jesus’ saving grace, have never heard about Jesus, or have decided they don’t need Jesus because everything is “good.” How do you get across to this dark world that life can be so much better than “good” with Jesus in it?

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2 Peter 3:1-7 – Last Days

Read 2 Peter 3:1-7

Peter believed this “last days” discussion to be of utmost importance for us moving forward in faith. He isn’t discussing the “when” or “how” the last days will take place but tells of a sign we can expect. We may even be seeing good examples of Peter’s description today. He said, to expect people to be “mocking the truth and following their own desires.” You can’t turn on a news program or read news on the internet without seeing some group or individual challenging Christians and mocking the truth on which we stand. And with such a self-seeking society, people regularly follow their own desires seeking to “be happy” or to live “their” truth.

The truth Christians profess is Jesus, the Word made flesh. We know there is no other truth, yet we stand by and let other people do their “own thing” in the guise of “freedom.” Certainly, we expect the same courtesy to be able to speak the truth about Jesus, without being criticized or marginalized. Sadly, many Christ-followers keep quiet out of fear because we do take the heat for trusting Jesus.

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John 1:1-18 💙 Christ, The Eternal Word

Read John 1:1-18

the name of Jesus carved out of stone

We often think of Jesus as the baby in the manger who grows up to do miracles, die on the cross, and be raised from the dead in three days. While he did all those things, Jesus’ identity encompasses so much more. In fact, we can’t even begin to wrap our minds around the miracle that happened when God sent his son, the Word, into the world.

If we replace the word “Word” with “Jesus” as this passage begins, we can get a clearer picture of another truth about Jesus. He is eternal and has been with God the Father from the beginning. I often refer to God as the “Creator,” but this passage suggests Jesus was also responsible, for “nothing was created except through him.” That gives our picture of Jesus a much richer dimension, doesn’t it?

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December 25 🌟 Eternal Word (John 1:1-14)

Read John 1:1-14

in the beginning was the WORD

Merry Christmas!! I love this reading from John’s gospel. John takes a little different approach to the story of Jesus’ birth. His incarnation as a baby was not the beginning. Not even close. Jesus was with God, was God, at the creation of all that exists.

As we have journeyed together this Advent, we have read about John, the man God sent to “tell about the light so that everyone might believe because of his testimony.” Jesus is that light. “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.” We certainly are living in times of darkness in need of a Savior!

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