Merry Christmas!! I love this reading from John’s gospel. John takes a little different approach to the story of Jesus’ birth. His incarnation as a baby was not the beginning. Not even close. Jesus was with God, was God, at the creation of all that exists.
As we have journeyed together this Advent, we have read about John, the man God sent to “tell about the light so that everyone might believe because of his testimony.” Jesus is that light. “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.” We certainly are living in times of darkness in need of a Savior!
God knew the world would be continually infested with evil, casting darkness on the earth. Jesus is the only way, the only truth we can trust. How will you respond to Jesus this Christmas? Do you recognize Jesus as your Savior, as the light of the world, as the promised Messiah? Our Advent journey is now complete for the first coming. We can keep our Advent faith alive by how we respond to each new day.
Our promise is clear. “But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.” Accepting Jesus as our Savior and King ushers us into the family of God. That’s a forever family! Why do you think God wants you to choose him?
How does it feel to be a daughter or son in God’s extended family? We’re all part of an earthly family. Blemishes and dysfunction can often tarnish relationships with those we’re related to.
In God’s heavenly kingdom, with our brothers and sisters in Christ, our forever family will be perfect. Why? Because Jesus came and died to take away our sins. Those sins that distance us from our loved ones and limit our ability to accept others will be gone.
Take time to focus on Jesus, the true light, the reason for the season of Christmas. Keep the expectant heart you’ve cherished during Advent alive. Be ready. Jesus Christ is coming again!

Let’s pray. Thank you, Jesus, for coming into our world and into my heart. Fill me anew with the awe and wonder of your incarnation. I don’t want to be one of the ones lost and unable to recognize you. Help me to focus on you and keep your light shining bright in this dark world until that day you come again. In Jesus’ name. Amen.