Numbers 14:26-45 – Learn Our Lesson

Read Numbers 14:26-45

The LORD’s punishment needed more explanation. Now we can more accurately imagine what happened in those days between God and his people. Those rebellious ones gave us so many examples of what not to do if we are trying to make God-honoring choices.

The people of Israel were in denial. They couldn’t believe God would put them out into the wilderness only for them to perish. God was only doing that as a consequence for the people’s disobedience. Their sentence to death in the wilderness was only because of their own stumble. Continue reading “Numbers 14:26-45 – Learn Our Lesson”

Numbers 2:1-34 – Keep God in the Center

Read Numbers 2:1-34

With so many of God’s people roaming around in the wilderness, it makes sense that God would command them to be orderly. I can just imagine the chaos of establishing a highly mobile residence in a desert-like region like that if each tribe didn’t have their assigned space.

When it came time to move, there was also an order for leaving established for the clan leadership to follow. I had a flashback to being in school, choosing line leaders, and lining up at the designated time to walk the halls. Classrooms also had their dismissal order to follow. Having an orderly progression helped us students know when and where to move. For the Israelites’, God thought of everything! Continue reading “Numbers 2:1-34 – Keep God in the Center”


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