Read Numbers 14:26-45
The LORD’s punishment needed more explanation. Now we can more accurately imagine what happened in those days between God and his people. Those rebellious ones gave us so many examples of what not to do if we are trying to make God-honoring choices.
The people of Israel were in denial. They couldn’t believe God would put them out into the wilderness only for them to perish. God was only doing that as a consequence for the people’s disobedience. Their sentence to death in the wilderness was only because of their own stumble.
That stumble was huge. It would cost them everything. Were they that selfish that they didn’t understand how God could have been disappointed in them and their choices? Clearly, they were about to see firsthand what it was like to have God as their enemy. I don’t think I’d want to find out what that was like.
Grief, why not fear? When Moses told the people what God had said, the text reads, “the people were filled with grief.” Ten important people had just died of a plague sent by God. I understand grief, but shouldn’t these events instill a fear and respect of God? Wouldn’t the people have wanted to understand why God killed the others, making sure they themselves weren’t in danger? Grief and fear are not alike. How we respond to life circumstances from each perspective is also different.
Here, the people’s guilt turned them toward a “fix-it” mentality. They rushed to change their actions in a way they “thought” would please God. They must have realized they had made a mistake. But now, proposing to enter the land after all was in blatant disobedience to the behavior God wanted from them.
The LORD means what he says. If he says move, we better move. If he says stay and learn, we should do that. If we’re not paying attention to God’s intentions for us, could we end up like the people of Israel and lose out on His blessings?
Did the people of Israel learn their lesson when they were defeated by the people already possessing the land? Was Moses right that they did not have God with them anymore? How do you think it felt to not have God? Sadly, there are plenty of people walking around today that don’t have God.
It’s not always easy to recognize those people who need God in their lives. Rather than wonder, why not treat everyone you meet as someone God loves (which he does) and make sure they feel God’s love spilling over in you to them. That behavior not only pleases God but it may just help some lost soul find their way back to God’s loving arms.
Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for each lesson of life that you have placed before me. Some of them have been extremely painful as you are aware. I am so grateful you never gave up on me, patiently waiting for me to open my eyes to see you. I need you and want you in my life. Help me to stand strong in this world, faithful and strong with my allegiance to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.