The promise to David is so much bigger than David could have ever imagined, isn’t it? David would have success in life and as king because of God’s hand on his life. David’s devotion to the LORD would be so fervent that no king after him could emulate such loyalty.
God said about David, “Now I will make your name as famous as anyone who has ever lived on the earth!” Until Jesus. Jesus is the ultimate king of this dynasty that God promised David. “Your house and your kingdom will continue before me for all time, and your throne will be secure forever.”
I love how God’s story is woven so beautifully between the Old and New Testaments. We can look at many Old Testament texts and see Jesus. This one screams his name (at least in my head)! Jesus Christ (the Messiah) was the fulfillment of the prophecy we see in our text. He is the descendant of David it is talking about.
Jesus is referred to as the “son of David” over a dozen times in the New Testament. As we are preparing to receive Jesus again into our hearts this year, it is good for us to look at the big picture and revisit the world before Jesus was in it.
During Advent we want to celebrate the first coming, but also ready ourselves for the second coming. Rather than focus on “when” that is, we’ll focus on being prepared. Being able to wrap our heads around some of the early stories pointing to Jesus will help us to fully appreciate being part of God’s story, the one still being written.
Emmanuel means “God with us.” He is indeed. In our reading, Nathan assured David that God was with him. In that context, Nathan was encouraging David to do something, intimating that God would bless it, whatever it was. I want to have that kind of assurance in my actions, knowing God is at the center, don’t you?
Emmanuel is also a name for Jesus that we’ll be hearing in the days and weeks ahead. Because of Jesus, we can count on the same promise David had of having God with him. Jesus is with us. We are not alone plowing through each day. On those hectic, rush around, barely time to sit down kind of days, isn’t it refreshing to know God is there, too.
We don’t have to be in constant communication. But when we take time to acknowledge his presence, it can really bring peace. I can almost picture God jumping up and down, trying to get our attention to offer to help carry the load for us. We’re sometimes so busy we forget to even ask!
Take some extra time today to just be quiet in God’s presence. It doesn’t have to be a long while unless you have unlimited time. Allow yourself enough time to feel that peace that only God can give when we spend time with him. Ask God to reveal a special message for you to cling to during the Advent season.

Let’s pray. Father, thank you for including me in your story of love and redemption. I marvel at how your plans are always so perfectly orchestrated. I don’t know what you have in store for me, but I look forward to each new day with anticipation and expectation. May the wonder of the miracle of Christmas continue to grow in my heart this Christmas season. In Jesus’ name. Amen.