Read Numbers 34:1-29
Talk about accountability! Soon the Promised Land will be ready to be distributed among the tribes. Not only are we given the physical boundaries of where this land lies, we’re told who God has entrusted in its distribution by sacred lots. This means these leaders will be seeking God’s input for this whole process.
Many things have yet to happen before the actual distribution begins, like crossing the river and fighting the locals. But again, God prepared the way so there would be no questions. Even though Moses won’t be there to see it all take place, he can rest easy knowing that God has spoken such wisdom through him preparing the priest, Joshua, and the tribal representatives.
This is good counsel for us in terms of setting boundaries to ensure success. People have a tendency to just rush into things, trusting it will all work out. Why do I know this? Because I have even been guilty of overlooking the instructions when I think a construction project looks simple. I’ve learned from helping my kids and grandkids put Lego creations together that instructions are important. Boundaries contain expectations.
What other boundaries are helpful besides physical boundaries? Relational ones come to mind. We’ve all known that overly aggressive person who tries to manipulate us in some way. Whether it’s monopolizing our time with tasks or nonstop conversation, sometimes it’s hard to stop it, like a moving train coming to a screeching halt. How do you set boundaries to keep yourself sane?
The inheritance of land did have physical boundaries, but even land rights can change over time. Boundaries aren’t necessarily meant to be permanent, but they are meant to contain and control situations for optimum results. Are there any crazy situations running amuck in your life right now? Are you struggling to know the best way to manage those boundaries? Ask God to help you with a plan that works for everyone.
Let’s pray. Lord, you know the craziness going on around us these days. Help me to set up healthy boundaries that allow the best possible outcome for all those involved. Give me your wisdom Lord to say no to things I have no business being part of. Forgive me when my curious nature or desire to be in charge lead me out of bounds. Furthering your kingdom and making you known to the world is the task that excites me most. Help me to set aside anything that doesn’t play into this goal. In Jesus’ name. Amen.