Read Numbers 35:1-34
You may have noticed that the tribe of Levi didn’t have a leader appointed by God to receive land. That’s because God had other plans for them. You’ll recall God already called the Levites to special duties in the Tabernacle while they were in the wilderness. Now God was going to have the other tribes share with the Levites 48 towns and the surrounding lands for flocks. Six of these will become the cities of refuge. These cities will be named and more detail given in Joshua 20.
What makes up a city of refuge? A place where non-murders with blood on their hands would be safe from their own death. Family vengeance for murder was real. Does the fact God deemed this type of protection necessary mean accidental death must have been somewhat common?
I suppose because murder was deemed a death sentence for the murderer, then it makes sense to have a place to flee if the death was not by murder. God was seeing to it that the primitive practice of vengeance of surviving kinsmen would not harm someone who had not intentionally murdered the victim who had lost their life.
Examples are given as to what constitutes a murder in those days. We shouldn’t be surprised when so much of this chapter deals with murder and protecting the innocent. Why? Because “Do Not Murder” was one of the LORD’s top 10 commandments? It was not okay to kill another human being on purpose when that purpose was not from God. I couldn’t help but remember my time working for the appellate division of Public Defender’s Office handling the representation of convicted felons, many of them murderers on death row.
Our Biblical history is full of many a warrior who had killed another, but they weren’t seen as murderers. Was it because they were killing the enemy as directed by God? The murder here seems personal, that is, to be killing another “family” member in God’s family. The directions here about murder clearly do not refer to God’s army.
These cities of refuge weren’t only for God’s family. That was a generous provision for those foreigners living in or traveling through the land. Since the refuge cities were also filled with Levites, those who had been consecrated for Tabernacle duties, these cities would be safe and holy. The safety of these people included a fair trial as well.
We can see the basis for a lot of what exists in our culture today. Between having safe houses, witness protection, and other similar programs, people wrongly accused or in the wrong place at the right time have a solution to stay safe. The legal system will also intervene to determine guilt or innocence, but death is not always the consequence.
How does this passage speak to you? I see a compassionate God who is always thinking of everything, wanting to set his people up for success. God’s loving protection is there for those who run to him. God is our refuge and strength. Psalm 46:1 says, “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.”
Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for being my refuge and strength. While I have never killed a man, there are times when I feel under attack. I know I am guilty of sin and ask for your forgiveness. I am so grateful I can come to you, talk to you, ask you things, and spend time in your word. Reveal to me the truth you want me to glean today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.