2 Chronicles 22:1-12 – A Family Affair

two young boys arm wrestling

Read 2 Chronicles 22:1-12

God will always make a way for his will to be done—especially when a divine promise is involved. Jehoram’s remaining and youngest son, Ahaziah had a very short, yearlong reign. His mother, Athaliah, interferes, but God doesn’t allow her to kill of the potential heirs to the throne as Ahaziah’s replacement. Brilliant!

It’s helpful to remember that Ahaziah’s mother was the daughter of King Ahab, the evil king that had ruled Israel. The evil of that nation had tremendous influence it seems with Judah’s last two rulers. The intermarriage between Israel and Judah a generation ago was wreaking havoc on God’s plan for his people.

The very unlikely source of the heir’s rescue comes from the sister of the newly deceased king Ahaziah. Jehosheba was the daughter of King Jehoram and Queen Athaliah but was not evil like they were. She had chosen the truth, and we see how God rewarded that.

Can’t you just picture a young woman hiding an infant away in a room to protect it’s life from being killed. Do you think that Jehosheba feared for her life at all? Her mother seemed to be quite ruthless. It’s hard when people we should be able to love and trust, like parents, friends, other family members, let us down and abuse us or in some way mistreat our trust. Here, this young woman was fearing for the life of her nephew, and possibly her own life if discovered.

We’re given another tidbit about our hero, Jehosheba. She was the wife of Jehoiada the priest. That fact alone helps us understand reasons for her protecting this dear little baby. She wanted to make her priest husband look good for being faithful. For God’s promise to David to continue that a king would always be from David’s line, he used an accomplice.

When is the last time you were an accomplice for God? What does that mean exactly? How about being an advocate for him like he is for you. Just as the Holy Spirit helps us and equips us, we in turn give back and promote God’s agenda. We can do that by the way we live our lives. Are we acting in ways that honor God or his word? Take some time to ponder that question.

This text doesn’t say it quite yet, but (spoiler alert) baby Joash will one day be the new King of Judah. For now, we are reflecting on a time in history when an evil Queen Mother was ruling Judah for a time. I’m sure the nation suffered greatly from her love of false gods.

Is that what we’ve seen happening in our global picture today? Are we suffering because of evil-minded leadership who disguises very well to hide the truth. It’s been a while since there has been integrity in world-wide leadership. In recent years, but before my time, was Hitler. How many people thought he was something to both revere and fear. Isn’t that what we’re called to do with God?

This passage brought up some pretty big thinking points. Don’t rush past the opportunity to dig in to your faith journey a little deeper, stepping closer to the truth with each step. Remember that God is good. He loves you. He wants to know you.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. LORD, thank you for how you used the sister to make a difference for the kingdom in this reading. So many times the heroes are men, but not always. I know you have great plans for me, LORD. I don’t know what they are but eagerly await the revelation. I look forward to that face to face with you. Until that day, continue to equip me for what you want me to do, and lead my steps to do your will. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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