2 Chronicles 23:1-11 – Priestly Action

diversity of community with hands coming together as if for team cheer

Read 2 Chronicles 23:1-11

Wasn’t the temple the perfect place for such an elite group of believers to meet for a planning session? The reigning Queen would never know since she would rarely, if ever, frequent that Holy place. You have to applaud the brave priest, Jehoiada for arranging this gathering. He was also likely instrumental in the plot to keep infant Joash alive. It’s good to remember Joash was his nephew, too.

We can learn a lot from this priest’s actions. Jehoiada bravely chose to make a move to hide the rightful king, the king who would further protect God’s promise to David about their forever kingdom. A high priority indeed for a good priest to be aware of. Do we make keeping God’s commands or trusting his promises our top priority?

We’re not told how old this young king Joash is, but we can remember we’re in the seventh year of the evil queen’s reign. That would make baby Joash about seven years old, or a second-grader, as it would be classified in the USA. Apparently, Jehoiada believed a seven-year-old could be recognized as an acting king. I’m guessing Jehoiada was planning on being close by to make sure the young king succeeded in the LORD. Having a faithful king was his priority.

I love how Jehoiada summoned everybody together with one purpose or common goal. He “readied the troops,” so to speak, to be prepared for implementing this priestly advice. It was time to promote the proper king to the line of David. His plan was brilliant, and everyone had their job.

Don’t you love it when you’re given a clear assignment in ministry? Too many times ministry leaders are spread so thin that getting a straight answer may be difficult. That’s where grace comes in. Oh, and patience! Ministry leaders and pastors these days need our prayers more than ever – so say an extra prayer for your faith leadership every day!

I don’t think Jehoiada expected his people to succeed without being properly informed. There’s also a sense of carefulness. It’s evident Jehoiada fears for the young king’s life by the amount of protection he calls on. How cool it was that King David’s weapons would still be accessible for use! Jehoiada was a wise and faithful leader, not afraid to take charge. I like that!

Good leaders know it’s always wise to have your team in agreement on the vision. Good leaders know how to set good expectations, too. Both of these goals were met in this case. Jehoiada’s priestly action clearly stated the vision as having a faithful king in place as soon as possible, and the expectation that everyone should understand and agree to why that was important (because God’s promise would be fulfilled)

What does a God-fearing leader look like to you in today’s world? Are they taking “priestly” action, actions that point toward the LORD, giving glory and honor to the Almighty one.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. LORD, I am humbled by your greatness and the extent to which you go to get my attention. You amaze me that you would care for even me, a sinner. Forgive me for being hardheaded and blind, maybe even fearful to step into the roles you have called me to fill. Thank you for the ability to tap into your power and be stronger in faith and life. Keep my heart safe from the evil one’s attempts to distract. I want to keep my eyes on you alone. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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