Read Numbers 33:1-56
Did your jaw drop when you saw how many stops the Israelites made along their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land? I’ve always been curious as to what forty years of wandering around a fairly small region looked like, and the answer was here in this reading all the time! Remember the instructions God had given Moses about setting up and taking down the Tabernacle, as well as moving it each time they broke camp? That message came while they were camping in Sinai (verse 15). This text gives us the route and puts all of that into perspective.
The wilderness journey is now nearly complete. The people can see across the Jordan River to the land of Canaan. This will be their new home, the Promised Land God vowed to give his people, Israel. No more nomadic life; the end of the journey is in sight. What do you think God’s people thought about that? What do you think Moses was thinking knowing he’d never cross the river with them? Continue reading “Numbers 33:1-56 – The Wilderness Journey”